katie_tully said:
Now you're misconstruing the purpose of my statement in an attempt to once again try and liken abortion to murder. The health and well being of the feotus depends entirely on the health and well being of the mother - the vessel. If you want to play semantics I can misconstrue your statement too. A 1 year old child is capable of living without its mother - especially if the mother dies after child birth. A born human is no longer dependent on the well being of its vessel, is it
22 week old fetuses have survived outside the womb, theoratically speaking a fetus can be transplanted into a new mother, children are always dependant on their parents from conception to high school, denying this is weaving into arbitration, arbitration that is not based on anything proven.
You're only saying that because you disagree with abortion, however seeing as how you've previously relinquished responsibility of the male during pregnancy you've inadvertently passed on all decisions regarding the foetus to the mother - including her legal right to an abortion.
Yes I disagree with abortion, likewise I disagree when law is circumvented.
Abortion is not a "legal right," its a medical procedure that is only legal with a legaly mandated thorough medical verdict which must indicate a threat to the life of the woman if the abortion is not performed, however most if not all performers of abortion illegaly bypass this verict and carry out the procedure, clearly in violation of the law with not fines or jail time, that is what must be changed, there is no need for serious change to the laws on the books, only that the current ones be enforced as their authors intended.
I don't quite understand how you can make two completely contradictive statements in one paragraph and still believe they make any sense. If the responsibility for pregnancy is the female's, then the responsibility of the child's is also the females. So if the female drinks excessively during pregnancy and the child is born with feotal alcohol syndrome she is not responsible?
You cannot be responsible for a pregnancy yet at the same not responsible for the foetus inside, you tool.
omg idiot ... lets take this one word at a time just like playschool ok?
Getting pregant is the sole responsiblity of the mother as it is her body, the child is itself as the result of this pregnancy is the responsibility of both parents as half of the child is genetically the fathers, whilst the mother has certain rights abortion is not and should not be one of them.
I thought you said earlier -
Wait - is that yet another contradiction?
I'm using murder as a parallel example, if you want to link the two, thats your issue.