Thanks for the personal attacks Simon, here and on your website.
Lets make a few things clear, if you have ACTUALLY READ any of the previous NLS policies and my policies, you will realise how most of them are different from the ones I'm running on. Besides, there are a few great policies in the previous years too which I wish to take forward. I am running because I am passionate about the Union and passionate about what I stand for, not just because NLS is running my campaign. And of course, they are great people and have been working hard for students for so long. How many times have you been to the SRC Executive and represented their views if you really care so much about students?
I've been to two previous Board meetings and I realise what is possible or not. While you talk about $5 meals or more parties, firstly the board doesn't deal with that issue - its the issue of the operations & marketing manager of USU - George Livery(have you spoken to him yet? - he is a great guy and he'd tell you if this is possible). Secondly, you need to realise how to have a sustainable Union. The Union has had a revenue loss of about 8 million dollars since last year and if you promise things such as cost-price beer, where will the money to run the Union and the various students programs come from?
Not to forget my stand on Affirmative Action, please read my website again. I have said what has happened this year is very unfortunate and the problem is not enough women running for the Board, not AA. Also, there is a reason why AA was brought into place and you need to understand that reason. Further, when you talk about only 50 people listening to the two board members - don't forget, people are elected on 300 votes. That is not so many more than 300 in a 45000 student University. In fact I also mention how important it is for them to be on the ballot paper and have an attempt of getting elected. Please please please get your facts straight. I have and will not slander about you, but if you wish to do the same, don't do it blindly.
Also, how many students have you attempted to speak with so far? If you are really passionate then go out and talk with them, let them know what you think. I'm sure they'll go great guns for you if you spoke to them. I have been speaking with so many of them over the past few days and students are great - they are extremely responsive and you realise how much more important it is to run - so that you can carry their views forward. My apologies if you find this rude, but I was hoping for a cleaner fight where you run for what you stand for, not on why the other guy is bad.
Nebuchanezzar, thanks a lot for your note. It would have been lovely if you had let me known. In fact, if you want to come to Manning one of these days from Monday and see me, I would love to talk with you and talk with you about my policies and why I'm running.
For the people who have been requesting t-shirts, I'm sorry, we ran out of all the ones we printed on second day. While it is a good thing people are supporting my campaign, I feel bad to have to say no. However, we are printing more this weekend and should have them at Manning soon. Feel free to walk up to our stall on Monday and get one.