Use of the word 'racism' (5 Viewers)


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
MoonlightSonata said:
VB and football, my aren't you a productive one. So you are saying that everyone should try to adopt this "culture"?

You really have no right to assert your very narrow visions onto others. How dare you tell people what attitudes they should adopt? The first and foremost defining element of this country is freedom. That includes the freedom to be different and possess different tastes, ideas, associations, religions and property.
Aboriginal rights activists are not asking for you to give your land back. They are pushing for unused Crown land to be made available for Native Title applications. Additionally, many modern Aboriginal activists are not concerned with the symbolic "sorry" gesture - they are more interested in obtaining practical benefits and opportunities to enhance the living conditions of their people.
But it didn't stop there did it? Instead of being made a part of our society indigenous people were kept socially ostracised. They had no redistribution of land. They had their children stolen. They faced racism at every corner.

As a result, many are now at extreme social disadvantage and the health and prosperity of the Aboriginal people are significantly lower than everyone else. A large proportion of indigenous people live in areas of social deprivation, including rural and remote areas where education and work opportunities are limited. Many communities are without adequate health and housing. Indigenous people are less likely to own their own homes. [1] They are more likely to live in improvised homes and in places with a greater number of people. [2] In some communities there are issues of safe drinking water, sewerage, electricity and rubbish collection. [3] Indigenous people have higher unemployment [4], lower average income [5], greater death rates [6], and are extremely over-represented in deaths in custody [7] as a result of high prison rates [8]. Indeed, the very biological status of Aboriginal people has been impinged upon – life expectancy is significantly lower than for non-indigenous people [9].

But hey, they should just "get over it" right?

[1] Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), ‘The Health and Welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 2003’, p 49.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), ‘Population Characteristics, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians’, Article No. 4713.0. Indigenous people are approximately three times as likely to be unemployed.
[5] ABS, ‘Incomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’, Year Book Australia, 1301.0 – 2004.
[6] ABS, ‘The Health and Welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 2003’, p 182.
[7] Royal Commission into the Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (1991).
[8] ABS, ‘Indigenous Prisoners’, Year Book Australia, 1301.0 – 2004. Indigenous males and females comprise 20% and 25% respectively of the prison population, despite indigenous people only constituting 2% of the entire population.
[9] Ibid. From 1999-2001, life expectancy for indigenous peoples was 56 years for males, 63 for females, in comparison to non-indigenous life expectancy of 77 years for males and 82 years for females – approximately a 20 year difference.
But... Aboz are pricks :/ [1]

[1] Guy accross the road from me.
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MoonlightSonata said:
But hey, they should just "get over it" right?
How can you progress without letting go of the bitterness?

Moving forward involves 1. acknowledging that things are/were fucked and 2. working hard to build what was and what can be.


Aug 17, 2002
ogmzergrush said:
I can appreciate the effort that went into that post Moonlight, but don't you ever feel like you're wasting your time?
Aristotle once said, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

Maybe some people just need more education?

Seriously though, I tend to have a positive view of humanity. Intelligent people will challenge their own beliefs when presented with contrary argument and fact. People can change their opinions even though it takes a lot of guts to do so. I'm no stranger to this problem, but I do try to find small parts of people's arguments that I can agree with and show them that I accept what they're saying on particular points, so that some advancement can be made.

Open-mindedness and clear thinking are essential to the progress of humankind, and the way I see it the sooner young adults learn to think critically and openly the better. I don't mean that people should question every single thing, rather that people should approach arguments rationally, with a clear head and without letting their biases get the better of them. At the end of the day I'd prefer to be saying "Hey, you know I think you're right on that point", and actually learn something, rather than letting the tunnel-vision of prejudice impair my ability to think.

On a purely unrelated note... I'm resigning as NCAP mod come March.


im am teh seks.
Sep 28, 2004
<- back that way
wow its gone from racism to lebos to communism to abos..

everyone has a streak of racism in them. enough said.


Jan 13, 2006
in your mind
Re: the word 'racism'

Serius said:
Thats funny, i didnt see the Normans getting masacred, having their water supply poisoned, raping of women and children,and pretty much a full on genocidal attack on a race commited back then, i dont see any Normans getting their balls chopped off and scrotum used as a tabacco pouch, i didnt see any attrocities, such as using babies heads os soccer balls commited i didnt see large scale massacres such as the Bell Falls Gorge massacre being commited,
If these crimes were covered up then

1 where did you come across this information and

2 Doesnt it make it just as likely that such events may have happened to the Normans?

I agree you wouldnt see any other civilization do such a thing on a national day and also on ANZAC day it would be like the japanese cellebrating their bombing of darwin every year at darwin. Bringing their teenagers but also people who really wanted to be there. But people would make a huge noise and a huge mess. It wouldnt be done? Would it?

Although i do agree that Aboriginal living standards on average are worse that those of the rest of the population but actually most Aboriginals live in suburban towns in communities with white people. There are so many Aboriginals who have made it and are living well but these people in the suburbs live just as the white people their neighbours. Both groups are generally poor, they dont live very nice lives. Their houses get burnt down regularly and there is a lot of crime. Now i think the generalisation should be made to lower socio economic groups not racial ones because that simply is a generalization. Turning that word back on you hippies.
Ever think you generalise Aboriginals when you say they are all living in the pits?
Its not ALL aborigines and not all people iin the pits are Aboriginal.

There are so many opportunites for Aboriginal people to get help and education in this country. The government really is good to them and if school it seen as "not a cultural thing" then you shouldnt complain that you have no education etc

I think this group making and seeing of Aboriginals as being so different is the thing standing in the way of the blessed "reconcilliation" the country is willing but im not sure if the Aboriginal people are.


Jan 13, 2006
in your mind
i cant see how this can be acceptable for affricans etc to call each other niggers and then when someone else does it immediatley its racist.
One day my friend got called white boy by an aboriginal guy he didnt really mind cos ya know its kinda calling a spade a spade but when in return he called the boy black boy everyone was shocked!
Whats with the double standards?


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
if a minority says it, its cuz they're oppressed. if a white person says it, its because they're a racist bigot. because, of course, its not racist to hold minorities to a lower standard of behavior than whites cuz, well, they're minorities. its not like they really can be as civilised as whites anyway, so you have to go easy on them.


funniest bunny in th land
Jul 2, 2004
universe realm 23 i.e outta this realm
To simply answer your question, the use of "nigger" by an non-black is often seen to be used as a derogatory comment. Seriously have you put any thought into this question, because if you'd know part the black struggle, you will obviously have known an answer to your own question. I will tell you since you do not know.
For close to two hundred years, the majority white population closed their eyes to the injustice of segregation and thus words like "nigger" directed at blacks bring back bad memories and is implying that african-americans are inferior. The old guards and defenders of racism may be incorrigible but the country has made remarkable progress in the last three decades in fighting discrimination and words such as "nigger" resurfacing, only hinders that process. It is no double standard. In terms you can undertsand, people call their friends "hey di**head" and other terms, but if a total stranger came up to you and said that, what would your reaction be?


funniest bunny in th land
Jul 2, 2004
universe realm 23 i.e outta this realm
Hmm..Davin...maybe you haven't noticed but a lot of blacks have high positions in society and are living in a civilised way. You see..they live in houses like you and me! Besides sak questions about the thread dummies, yes we are allowed to use the word racism, Davin has clearly showed racism :p

"1 where did you come across this information and "...We all (well most of us) know about the unfortunate incidents that had occured in China, regardless of its coverups, through internet, family members. Really why ask that question, isn't it OBVIOUS?
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Jan 13, 2006
in your mind
Serius was saying that no other countries had done these things to their indigenous people but had no actual evidence to day this. In fact there may be no evidence. I dont think that the Anglo Saxons would have treated the normans very nicely. SOmething about wife stealing and house burning?


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
funnybunny, has anyone ever told you that you're really good at understanding sarcasm, satire, etc when it comes to writing?

don't worry if they haven't, they never will.

you clearly missed my point that racism should be treated the same no matter what the colour of the person speaking or what group they are targeting.

and as for that particular word, if the reason it is the simple MEANING of the word is insulting, then why should anyone be using it, even if they are black. If its simply the INTENT of the word when used by non-blacks that is offensive, then isn't it horribly racist to say that all whites naturally assume blacks are inferior and therefore, no matter context, a white is saying it in a racist fashion.


Footy Fan (go cats)
Jun 27, 2004
Double standards is another thing happening in Australia that is totally wrong. In fact it happens all around the world, but Australia has got to be one of the worst offenders.
If an aboriginie.......
- cant get a job its racism
- tried for murder its racism
- isnt given twice as much money as whites its racism
- is attacked for provoking people its racism
- criticised for wrecking their house its racism
- called stupid its racism

There are many more. This highlights the fact that Aboriginies want everything handed to them on a platter rather then working hard like everybody else. They want to get paid for doing nothing. They want to wander the streets and stick their fingers up at everybody. They want to attack people in parks. If they really wanted help they would realise they need to help themselves.

VB and football, my aren't you a productive one. So you are saying that everyone should try to adopt this "culture"?
Im saying thats the general culture that everybody should live by in Australia. If they dont drink then they shouldnt have beer. Or they may be wine lovers. They may like rugby instead of footy. But that is the general culture of Australians.

You really have no right to assert your very narrow visions onto others. How dare you tell people what attitudes they should adopt?
You have to be joking. Hahahahahahahahahha...people like you come to australia and celebrate your religion on our christian streets. You come here with ideas about gangs, and ideas of creating a mafia as we dont have one yet. You come here thinking that because we are multicultural we have to have every single bit of every culture from around the world. People come to our country expecting to do whatever they like, they come here with attitudes that have wrecked their home countries. Those attitudes have to be changed in order for Australia to maintain a productive and positive way of life.
Yes i know that freedom is first and foremost. The freedom to go to the beach without being annoyed and attacked by lebanese and gangs. The freedom for an aussie icon, the beach surf lifeguard, to go about their duties without being attacked. The freedom for Australians to walk down the street at night in a big group without being confronted by a middle eastern gang. It is NOT the freedom to do whatever you want.

A large proportion of indigenous people live in areas of social deprivation, including rural and remote areas where education and work opportunities are limited.
I live in a rural area. I am helping myself get a better life. Rural areas are great for people finding first time work. You need little or no experience to work on farms. You even get alright pay. The bad thing is, is that Narrandera, an town where aboriginal children wander the streets at night attacking people. I know of someone who was about 4 and was attacked in a park. The parents dont do anything.

1] They are more likely to live in improvised homes and in places with a greater number of people.
They need to help themselves more, and stop trying to take the easy way out by asking for government handouts.

[2] In some communities there are issues of safe drinking water, sewerage, electricity and rubbish collection.
I wonder what i would do. I would move...get the newstart allowance, get a job and start a new life. Oh my god how hard was that.

[3] Indigenous people have higher unemployment
There are so many schemes to help them it is not funny. They have so much help in getting jobs. Also they probably have the wrong idea about jobs. They dont realise they have to work hard rather then turn up.

[4], lower average income
Keep improving your job

[5], greater death rates
Improve lifestyle by getting a job.

[6], and are extremely over-represented in deaths in custody
They most likely attack the cops, and in self defence the cops knock them out.

[7] as a result of high prison rates
Have you ever thought that its because they commit more crimes.

[8]. Indeed, the very biological status of Aboriginal people has been impinged upon – life expectancy is significantly lower than for non-indigenous people [9].
The european life expectancy has slowly increased as we learn more about the food we eat, and diseases. The aboriginal body is different. It has a different immune system, and the brain is smaller. It will take a while for aborigines to improve their immune system (a benefit of stolen generation). Their brain will gradually get larger and they will be able to create immunities to many more diseases. They should also create a diet that will improve life expectancy, rather then using alcohol on a regular basis.

I am an openly minded person who is trying to help the whole of Australia maintain the traditional values as well as create a strong and secure place for future generations.
Aug 13, 2004
krabby_me said:
I live in a rural area. I am helping myself get a better life. Rural areas are great for people finding first time work. You need little or no experience to work on farms. You even get alright pay. The bad thing is, is that Narrandera, an town where aboriginal children wander the streets at night attacking people. I know of someone who was about 4 and was attacked in a park. The parents dont do anything.
that explains it. u hillbilly.


there's too many of them!
Jul 2, 2004
krabby_me said:
You have to be joking. Hahahahahahahahahha...people like you come to australia and celebrate your religion on our christian streets.
Our streets are secular, and you're are a religious whackjob fuck.
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Footy Fan (go cats)
Jun 27, 2004
that explains it. u hillbilly.
get more information first. I said i live in a rural area. I didnt say i was born there or that i am going to stay there my whole life. When i think of you i think of an asian living in a high rise housing block with concrete surrounding you.

Our streets are secular, and you're are a religious whackjob fuck.
Is Australia a christian country, muslim or hindu? One religion only.
I celebrate easter and christmas, and went to christian schools. I never go to church. Im therefore a christian but not a psycho christian.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
the country in't christian, its just the most common religion. You're making a statement as though the country is based on religious teachings

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