1. What rights, if any, do you have to question or appeal marks in courses?
2. What appeal rights do you have over decisions made about your enrolment by your Department, Faculty or University?
3. If you are harassed, sexually or otherwise at your university, what can you do about it?
4. If the course you are enrolled in is abolished, substantially changed or moved, without the consultation of the staff or students in the course, what can you do?
5. What does it mean when you are asked to ’show cause’ why you should stay enrolled in your course?
6. Can you get special consideration in your courses if you have had to work a lot, mind children, do jury duty, go to hospital, etc. during the semester? How do you apply for it?
7. Do you know exactly how many Commonwealth benefits you are entitled to as a student or as a young person?
8. If your supervisor is not interested in your work, is unhelpful, or is uncontactable, what can you do about it before it starts to affect your degree?
9. If you think you have been discriminated against by a University staff member, for instance, because of your political or religious beliefs, what can you do?
10. Do you know what to do if you think there has been a mistake in calculating your HECS or postgraduate fees?
A hint: many of the answers to these quesions are specific to each university and university Department. If you know the answers to all of these questions, and you’re confident you could deal with problems of any of these kinds, you don’t need a student organisation.