Thanks for the kind words Deus and Addy, really. 'Tis appreciated.
Not-That-Bright said:
The only problem is this is currently the best / (only) place to talk politics with a bunch of people your age, doing the same things (basically) as you (other than in uni), so where does that leave those of us who love this sort of thing? To get over it and find a new hobbie?]
I also have that urge to discuss news, politics and just ideas in general with people who similarly share that desire -- and this is a great place to do it. With something like 80,000+ registered members it is a particularly large user group -- which means more opinions and more minds to contribute.
Writing also has many obvious advantages over oral conversation, including being able to formulate considered replies, go over exactly what was said, and to be able to sufficiently address everything. You also get to share your opinion with many more people who can come back and pick up what you said and use it, challenge it or whatever their inclination is.
loquasagacious said:
I think it is deeply unfortunate that through no fault of his own Moonlight has presided over the decline of NCAP. The forum is structurally and proceeduraly (mod-wise) in the best shape its been. I fear that his ascension will have marked the beginning of the end and his abdication the end. Though I stress again I do not blame Moonlight - I think he's the best Mod on BoS. When he leaves I fear that we will be inundated by Spam yet not have the good threads that balance that out.]
Maybe you will be inundated by Christians
Nothing against Christians

In fact I have a crush on a Christian girl. But yes, I have had my fair share of biting them.
erawamai said:
Oh no one can drift away from the forum. I'm sure generator and others will stick around. No one ever leaves this place.
You make it sound like purgatory! I wonder which circle we are in?
Not-That-Bright said:
Maybe that's another reason why this thread has died down... has the government taking control of the senate and little sign of any real political change for the next 4 years made commentary much more boring?
lol blame Beazley I say. At least Latham was colourful.
Anti-Mathmite said:
Oh, poleeeease!
Their entire foundation of wealth? They were nomads, and if whites had never came to Australia, if you think that Australia would not currently be like an African nation (a third world nation), then you are kiding yourself.
They were happy living off the land until we came along. After occupying the country we imposed our laws and society on them. In our society, land = wealth. Since we took their land, they had no wealth and therefore no social standing.
Anti-Mathmite said:
This is always one flaw in the left that I always win on: White man invaded the Aboriginals and stole their nation? What was the name of the nation that the whites stole? Australia? New Holland? It didn't have a name, because it wasn't a nation, it was Terra NULLIUS ("NO ONE" in the derogatory sense of the word).
Oh dear. You really are draining me with your Eurocentric bias Mathmite. I am going to bed. I leave you with this:
In particular terra nullius is a discriminatory denigration of Indigenous society which was considered 'so low in the scale of social organisation that their usages and conceptions of rights and duties are not to be reconciled with the institutions or the legal ideas of civilized society.
The indigenous peoples had their own laws, language, customs, religions and attachment to the land. Just because they did not have a name for the space the lived on, just because they did not conform to the European notions of land ownership, does not mean that they were not a society of people attached to the land with their own social order.
Anti-Mathmite said:
Is this a likely scenario? No, because Whites civilised more quickly and actually developed nations for themselves, as did every other type of human.
Aboriginals didn't because they were incapable. If they had not been interfered with by whites.. so that they were still a black nation today.. They would be like an African nation.. They were never anything to be wow'd at.
So in other words, whoever is the most powerful has the right to take whatever they want?