Hmmm... Gross generalisations ahoy!
In a social sense, I'm still much like other secular liberals in that I'm against the church as an anachronistic institution of social control (I'm all for progressive ministers/priests/nuns who exist solely to help anyone in need without moralising), but it seems as though I break off from the pack when it comes to minority religions here in Australia. This is a common argument of the right (not necessarily the christian right), but it seems as though a number of lefties are prepared to be rather forgiving whn it comes to relgions other than christianity, despite the fact that such religious frameworks are just as likely to be as corrupt and open to abuse as the christian churches. I'm not like that, and I'm quite happy to provide criticism whenever I deem it to be appropriate, no matter the religious (or lack thereof) framework.
On another note, I too will be leaving soon. I'm getting too old for this site as a whole (apart from the USyd forum), and I really don't feel like 'debating' the issues with the latest crop of forum members. For the record, I decided to not post the lengthy paragraph that followed this one because there isn't much to be gained by inciting a near e-riot as a result of flinging muck at a number of the newer members. However, I may do that just before I leave for good, so stay tuned!