Search results

  1. Tim035

    Most affordable uni (accomodation+living expenses)?

    There's a resonable chance I'll be moving states to study post-grad med, unfortunately I don't come from a well-off family and thus will be fairly reliant on the $500 a fortnight from centre-link + the $10'000 I currently have in the bank to get me through. Thus one of my main determenants in...
  2. Tim035

    How to become a stockbroker?

    my mate started a business degree, dropped out and then spent 2 years working for a small firm and studying this textbook that was seriously A3 and 2000 pages long so he could sit some test and become a qualified broker, I'm not clear on the details sorry but I believe you don't need a uni...
  3. Tim035

    An interesting read for all aspiring doctors

    NOTE: I don't agree / disagree with this letter, nor am I posting this as some kind of detterent for people from doing medicine. A letter from a doc to a girl who recently got rejected (posted it as a note on her facebook) "Sorry to hear things didn't go as well as you would have liked...
  4. Tim035

    career options after a bachelor of med science

    Hey frozen sky, Med Sci is fine for that sort of research aimed at product development such as a drug or vacine. Unfortunately though just a bachelors isn't even close enough to perform your own research unless you have A LOT of money and can start up your own lab / company. Otherwise you'll...
  5. Tim035

    When would you stop applying for med?

    Cool, I have the money etc. now and would love to actually go to melbourne uni for med. If you're doing accounting you will need to do a fairly extensive course on the first year sciences to get through the gamsat as there's a decent amount of organic chem and physics that will go right over...
  6. Tim035

    career options after a bachelor of med science

    Sigh, wrote a lengthy response and the website crashed when I clicked submit. @Chewy- Thanks for the kind words, I found a job, but it's not a career and I still have a lot of anxiety revolving around what options I realistically have in life if med doesn't work out. Australia's pharma is too...
  7. Tim035

    career options after a bachelor of med science

    Med chem is definetly a wise choice out of the usual medsci major (I wish I'd done more organic chem / less biochem, pathology etc.). My job involves a number of tasks. The company I work for basically constructs highly comprehensive reports that are aimed at helping a pharmaceutical company...
  8. Tim035

    When would you stop applying for med?

    GAMSAT was alright, the science section was about what I expected, unfortunately the writing section was about affirmative action which didn't fit in too well with many articles and topics I had researched in preparation. I received a 2nd round interview for UNSW in undergrad but didn't get...
  9. Tim035

    When would you stop applying for med?

    I have researched exactly what the entry requirements are for all the different universities; the style you are referring to is consistant with universities like Usyd and Notre Dame where GPA is just a hurdle and then GAMSAT + interview are weighted 50/50. For uni's like ANU the interview is...
  10. Tim035

    When would you stop applying for med?

    I remember a story on paging doctor where a guy failed the interview for Flinder's university 3 years in a row, then on his 4th attempt to get into med he was offered an interview at Usyd which he passed (this is all post grad of course). A lot of people go back and do med after doing a Phd...
  11. Tim035

    career options after a bachelor of med science

    Indeed if you are bright enough to graduate with a 6.0+ GPA, med sci will put you in good shoes to gain entry to post grad medicine.
  12. Tim035

    career options after a bachelor of med science

    Despite what a lot of people might think, there are a number of career options for those with a medical science background. HOWEVER the initial 'foot in the door' is extremely tough as there are zero internships / cadetship programs offered in the Australian pharmaceutical / medical industry and...
  13. Tim035

    Science jobs part 2 :D

    I've had a number of PM's about the post I made regarding career options for science grads, which now seems to be unaccessible since BOS got hacked. Thus I thought I'd make a new thread, updated to now include some new directions I've become aware of as I've moved in recent months from uni into...
  14. Tim035

    What is Medical Science?

    I take back my earlier comment, you're a fucking prick.
  15. Tim035

    What is Medical Science?

    Lol, sorry didn't mean to come across rude.
  16. Tim035

    What is Medical Science?

    Are you joking? I got 4 job interviews in just under a month, I also met with board members from a number of companies. Maybe if you limit yourself to typing 'medical science graduate' into seek then it'll be 'EXTREMELY HARD'
  17. Tim035

    UNSW medical science

    I've got very thorough notes on all subjects I did during medsci, however I did MATH1031. In terms of textbooks... I've still got Chemistry, statistics, microbiology, physiology, pathology and pharmacology. I'll flog them for cheap if you're interested, as they are just taking up space now on...
  18. Tim035

    What is Medical Science?

    Other possibility include: Medical information associate Medical affairs / regulatory affairs associate quality assurance officer Patent analyst Pharmacy/GP rep Other entry level administrative positions at pharmaceutical and medical device companies I'm currently...
  19. Tim035

    USYD or UNSW Science?

    There isn't going to be a huge difference between what you learn at either on an undergraduate level; if you're thinking of pursuing honours, I would probably honestly say go to Sydney as I can tell you there wasn't a heap of grants achieved in the med sci department last round at UNSW... Well...
  20. Tim035

    Electives choice...

    No problem :) These forums are unfortunately pretty dead these days, since they've basically detached them from the main BOS site. If you're really stuck, another option you could do is take 1 or 2 of your general education courses, for which I highly recommend Getting into business if Michael...