Search results

  1. Tim035

    What is Medical Science?

    Holy hell, it's 97.8 now! that's hilarious. It is honestly the exact same as just a bachelor of science, except that you must take a number of courses from the school of medical sciences (physiology, pharmacology, anatomy, pathology etc.) and also major in one of these aforementioned subjects...
  2. Tim035

    Electives choice...

    Any idea at this stage what career direction you wish to pursue? Intro Human resources or marketing could be a good pick, as they involve elements on human psychology in them.
  3. Tim035

    UNSW course choices

    Just think longer term, if your desired major requires advanced chem (which pretty much none of them do, although it is 'recommended' for most 2nd year chem subjects) or MATH1141, then do them obviously. Otherwise I'd stick with the more basic course, employers will honestly never ever look at...
  4. Tim035

    Where can i buy wrist straps for gym purposes???

    I got ones just like those in the vid from rebel sport in chatswood. Also LinkinParkour it has nothing to do with calluses, good luck having the forearm strength to deadlift 200kg+ five times.
  5. Tim035

    undergrad sydney uni med for only 99.80?

    Actually they have a lot to do with passing that interview.
  6. Tim035


    Being forced to sit it lol, I'll revise my first year chem and physics, don't see the point in practising problem solving or essay writing skills as I do enough of those in my job everyday.
  7. Tim035

    Degrees sorted by difficulty

    1. Degrees that involve higher level problem solving and analytical skills. e.g. Chemical and electrical engineering, actuarial studies. 2. Degrees that involve memorization of vast amounts of information and knowing how to retrieve relevant parts to correctly answer a problem. e.g. Med...
  8. Tim035

    undergrad sydney uni med for only 99.80?

    I remember there was a guy at my school who managed to do something similar. I know he consistantly achieved high distinction marks in those yearly science contests that sydney uni offers schools, and had some other ties with Usyd doing summer research scholarships and stuff.
  9. Tim035

    Engineering with Med sc?

    That must be a 5 or 6 year course combined, are you seriously going to do that then med! You'll be spending your entire 20s in universtiy, ouch.... Honestly the career prospects for med sci are actually pretty good, if the reason you're combining med sci with engineering is purely to secure a...
  10. Tim035

    People Going For Medicine

    I'll honestly tell you why, it all comes down to ethos; like for instance if every morning and every night you tell yourself you are a fantastic public speaker and look forward to presentations, then remarkably quickly that is what your subconscious comes to believe. Now replace: - telling...
  11. Tim035

    Is University overrated these days?

    B. Medical Science @ UNSW. Almost HD average (83.76). Status- unemployed.
  12. Tim035

    Usyd's master of pharmacy seems easier then other uni's

    Can anyone comment on this? Basically the Usyd course requires 3 subjects per semester over 2 years (total of 12 courses), plus clinical placement over the summer period. Whereas most other uni's such as Newcastle University are a trimester of 4 subjects each semester for 2 years (total of...
  13. Tim035

    Organic & synthetic chemistry people, I'd like some insight

    Wow that's weird... I've had all doors closed to me when talking to potential supervisors about doing a PhD that involves organic synthesis as I haven't done a chem major. Maybe I should get in direct contact with some of the PhD supervisors down in chem faculty. I'm really not interested in...
  14. Tim035

    Organic & synthetic chemistry people, I'd like some insight

    Although I'm about to finish honours in pharmacology, I'm highly considering going back to undergrad and completing at least 2nd and 3rd year organic chem + the new medicinal chem course. This is due to the realization that I find drug design and optimization a lot more interesting then drug...
  15. Tim035

    Thesis students, how busy are you?

    I'm doing on average an 8 hour day, 5 days a week, however 10+ hour days and having to come in on Saturday as well are not that uncommon. This is in the biological sciences though, where many experiments you can't just stop and start them when it suits you as your proteins will degrade, drugs...
  16. Tim035

    The outcomes of studying science in Australia

    I actually like the idea that gradschool / your PhD in America involves course work, as it would give me the opportunity to learn much needed organic & medicinal chemistry. Unfortunately though even with a highly prestigious scholarship like Rhodes, you still need to find money to pay for...
  17. Tim035

    The outcomes of studying science in Australia

    Scores for APA are calculated as: 1/3 x WAM in final year + 2/3 Overall mark in honors year. It is generally considered that if you get HONS I there's a 95% chance you'll get an APA if you go for one.
  18. Tim035

    The outcomes of studying science in Australia

    Thanks for the addition Ben, I don't know a lot of specifics in regards to overseas positions in science. I do remember a friend of mine in consulting though saying that intelligent science grads in the US get snatched up like intelligent commerce grads here in Australia. As for the APA...
  19. Tim035

    The outcomes of studying science in Australia

    I believe that many people like myself probably chose science at university as they had a passion for it, or were successful in science subjects during high-school. To this day I still find science extremely interesting, exciting and a fulfilling area to expand my knowledge in. However I'd be...
  20. Tim035

    Most crucial science

    It may not be within 100 years, but eventually nanotechnology will make many branches of science completely obsolete. I can only really speak for the medical sciences, but I believe the future in terms of treatments will go: Pharmaceuticals & small molecule drugs -------> Stem cell...