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  1. Tim035

    SCIF1021 Advanced Science Seminar

    It's a useless waste of HECs, do a double degree
  2. Tim035

    Anxiety medication affecting my study or is it just me?

    The reality is diazepam is occasionally used (at higher doses) to knock people out for surgery, it has very wide spread effects on the brain, thus the only thing I'd suggest is to reduce the dose to a point where you can deal with the anxiety but aren't sedated and drowsy.
  3. Tim035

    New medication is starting to have side-effects...

    Sounds like Benzos, I was always warned strongly by my psychologist that going on to anti-anxiety medication would probably frustrate me more as I'd be drowsy and not quite 'switched on'. I'm far from a doctor, but maybe see if you can switch to an SSRI like fluvoxamine or something.
  4. Tim035

    How effective is skipping as a fat burning cardio workout?

    Skipping is awesome, once you are at the level where you can go for 30 minutes non-stop the amount of calories you burn is huge. Defiantly one of the top ways to strip body fat fast!
  5. Tim035

    B.AdvSci(neuroscience) at UNSW

    I've just finished medical science, however I know the difference between B.Sci and Adv.Sci is a couple of things: - It is assumed you are doing adv. sci as you are planning a career based on scientific research; thus in 1st year you do these seminar sessions that look at how science is...
  6. Tim035

    B.AdvSci(neuroscience) at UNSW

    Basically no maths except for a bit of statistics. Fairly interesting stuff, I'm not neuroscience major but did neurophysiology and neuropharmacology this semester. Poster above is full of it, the lead neuroscience research center in Australia is just behind the uni at Prince of Wales...
  7. Tim035

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    Jarred my neck doing shoulder press. FUUuuuuuu... managed to add another 2.5kg to squats though
  8. Tim035

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    Barbell Squats: 2 warm up sets, 3 sets of 5 x 105kg Shoulder presses: 2 warm up sets, 3 set of 5 x 75kg Bent over barbell rows: 2 warm up sets, 3 sets of 75kg 5kg Weighted chin ups: 2 sets of 10 narrow grip 1 set of 7 wide grip 5kg weight dips: 2 sets of 10
  9. Tim035

    Help me out of my Fitness First membership

    Only real way out now would be to try and void the contract, which would likely require legal support, which would cost more then just paying off the contract. You could try and use the good old 'unconscionable contact' saying they forced you in to it and you weren't really aware of what was...
  10. Tim035

    Suggestions for high-protein diet?

    Yeah... I guess if you are weak and have poor self control you should give yourself the occasional treat, I'm just really proud of my mate as he went from fat to buff in 6 months and not once broke his diet for any reason.
  11. Tim035

    UNSW S2 09 exam timetables out!

    I was about to post my awesome exam timetable, then I checked it and they've moved neurophysiology to 02/11 at night & neuropharmacology to 03/11 in the morning... Ouch...
  12. Tim035

    general UNSW chit-chat

    You know how I know you're gay....
  13. Tim035

    Best Weights Program!

    fail troll...
  14. Tim035

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    It's posted as a 'simple beginners routine' on the workout forums at, it's just too much though... He does mention later on that you should do a light day that is 10% lighter on all lifts.
  15. Tim035

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    Decided to give this workout a try today, went too heavy on the first 2 sets of most exercises and felt like I was going to die by the time i got to deadlifts.... Do a lite warm up with 1/4 of your work sets weight. Do a medium warm up with 1/2 of your work sets weight. Do 2 work sets...
  16. Tim035

    3 months progress, how am I going?

    The Misc had me in tears in the library today. - The bump of Monte the frog / misc mascot - The Misc anonymous confessions - The photochops of Clive in to various movies - The photochops of that guy posing with his neck sticking out If my GPA crashes this semester, I'm blaming misc!
  17. Tim035

    Suggestions for high-protein diet?

    A shit load of cardio & carnitine was how my mate went from 106kg - 84kg in 6 months + Just being super strict, don't break the diet for ANY reason. No special occasion chocolate bars, no fast food, no snacking, 3 pre-planned meals a day and nothing else.
  18. Tim035

    general UNSW chit-chat

    There's some crazy you tube videos from out west where the dust storm gets so thick the sky turns black. I feel bad that my instant deduction when I woke up and saw the dust was, oh sh*t what's been blown up by terrorists.
  19. Tim035

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    30 mins of skipping, I suck at it atm but plan to get good. Need to do some form of cardio but I can't stand jogging or running on a tread mill.