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  1. Tim035

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    I got the 1kg bag for starters just to make sure it's decent quality before I invest $100. I was a gymnast for ~12 years, so I find dips and chin ups fairly easy. On the down side, my knees and ankles are shot and already showing early signs of osteoarthritis...
  2. Tim035

    The S1 2009 Results Prediction/Real Thread

    This thread makes it look like the norm for uni is a distinction / high distinction WAM lol. Shinji! you were that one commerce student in biomed engineering gen ed, when practically everyone else was a science student.
  3. Tim035

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    It looks very similar, except with more emphasis on wednesday being recovery day. I'll do some more reading in to how the loading parameters work , if it looks good I may alternate to it after a finish 9 - 12 weeks of 5x5. I got a 1kg bag of WPC off ebay for $33 (including postage), a lot...
  4. Tim035

    Earrings are stupid and they look ugly

    I like the new avatar. I had my left cartilage pierced for ~ 3 years. Took it out recently as I'm starting to enter a level of proffesionalism where I was looked down upon for having it.
  5. Tim035

    How hard is it to get HD for first years?

    Man it's soooooo easy to get 80%+ on the finals, you just need to find the cheat code! I found it for chemistry in first year it's- up up down down right left square triangle square start. Do this in chemistry and it's an automatic HD guranteed!
  6. Tim035

    The S1 2009 Results Prediction/Real Thread

    ================================================== ====== Session Course Title Result ================================================== ====== T1 BIOT3071 Commercial Biotech...............87 HD T1 GENC3003 Personal Financial Planning......87 HD T1 GENE4001 Biomed Eng:Techn in...
  7. Tim035

    How hard is it to get HD for first years?

    This reminds me of that post I read on the body building forums: Does anyone know of a supplement that's guranteed to give me a six pack? Preferably some kind of pizza topping would be good.
  8. Tim035

    How to enter regulatory affairs, QA, QC, drug safety etc..

    At the end of this year I will have my Bachelor of Medical Science, specializing in pharmacology. Where I would like to progress to however would be clinical research, clinical trials and eventually regulatory affairs and quality assurance. I don't feel at this stage as if I know the protocols...
  9. Tim035

    How hard is it to get HD for first years?

    I agree. You answered your own question- You want HD's? Start making and revising notes through out semester, that way in stuvac you are redoing tutes and past exams, along with making sure you know those notes inside out / back to front. I've always found 65%+ of your mark in science...
  10. Tim035

    Logging removes all pictures from posts

    When I browse these forums annonomously I can see everyones avatars and pics in posts. However once I log in all avatar pics are removed and pics in posts are reduced to hyperlinks, I know this is some security setting that needs changing but I can't find it anywhere.
  11. Tim035

    Silly B.S.

    Good post, I know I fell in to this trap for a long time when I first started lifting. I was using a 4 day split, something like: - Chest & shoulders - Bicepts, tricepts, lats - back, stomach & obliques - Legs With EVERYTHING being 3 sets of 10. The big problem is even with a program...
  12. Tim035

    No-Doz Plus... shortening my lifespan?

    They are great for lecture's where you are like 'omg soo tired, can't keep eyes open, going to pass out', 5 mins after a no doz I can concentrate and take notes again. I've always found no doz to be no more potent then a cup of coffee. From the studies I've read, only a very weak correlation...
  13. Tim035

    Recommend me a whey protein brand

    Preferably available on ebay and for <$50 per kilo.
  14. Tim035

    Which is best for weight loss, exercise or diet?

    This would be the one and only underlying reason to do personal training sessions, if you feel you can't motivate yourself or just really need a kick start, then a couple of sessions could help (mind you they will call you constantly suggesting you continue training with them for atleast X...
  15. Tim035

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    If you look at Bill Star's 5x5 routine, it follows an increase of 2.5% beyond the previous weeks max for the last set you do of the exercise. E.g. 5 rep max squat = 100kg Following week you would do 3 sets (80kg, 90kg, 100kg), then on fourth set you'd bump it up to 102.5kg and attempt 3...
  16. Tim035

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    This guy clearly knows what he is on about.
  17. Tim035

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    Awesome posts quick & cannibal!! Basically over the last 3 years I've always worked out a tonne in my uni breaks, but then pretty much stopped during the uni semester. I was under the impression that working out would make me too tired and my grades would suffer; but it's quite clearly the...
  18. Tim035

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    Have you ever seen these guys there? YouTube - Dimitri's Ofiice - Bondi Beach Rope Climbing
  19. Tim035

    do you consciously 'tune' girls

    haha, I read the game about a year ago, some parts were definately true like freeze outs, but using pick up lines and having a pre-planned strategy of exactly how to get the girl to go home with you is f&*king creepy, and sounds like something a pedo would do. Actually... now that I think about...