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  1. STx

    Need Urgent Enrolment Help! Am I Screwed?

    Try Rectangles( it will generate all possible timetable combos. and lets you sort them for your convenience. But im not sure if it will work for the subs you are going to be doing but its worth a try.
  2. STx

    2008 student id's

    no they don't show you are a full time student but im not sure whether it is indicated for part-time students.
  3. STx

    Post your desktop screenshot.

    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus) own_window yes own_window_type normal own_window_transparent yes own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager # Use Xft? use_xft yes # Xft font when Xft is enabled xftfont Monaco...
  4. STx

    general UNSW chit-chat

    lols badabagans is it
  5. STx

    BA media and communications anyone?? HELP

    Well if thats what your course program suggests then thats normal..
  6. STx

    2008 student id's

    mm i picked mine up yesterday and I just had to show them last years one thats all.
  7. STx

    Post your desktop screenshot.

  8. STx

    Post your desktop screenshot.

    My last two on ubuntu gutsy 64: click for larger version.
  9. STx

    Train passes for those heading to uni in the city

    yep TravelPass for UNSW if you are going more than days or you can get a travelten just for the bus if its less. enjoy the eddy avenue morning bus lines lol.
  10. STx

    Combined Eng. Degrees.

    Candidates in the combined degree course of Bachelor of Electrical (Power) with the Bachelor of Medical Science are required to complete at least 156 credit points made up of units from the table of core units and recommended units of study, but may choose to replace up to 12 credit points of...
  11. STx

    need more opinions...

    lol i agree, just use a nice linux distro and get compiz fusion going and linux will be useful for your comp courses anyway. But ye, you dont need a 8800gt for uni work lawl.
  12. STx

    UNSW O-Week

    haha yea Musk has been doing this shit for a looong time now.
  13. STx

    MATH1141 or MATH1131

    yep you can drop down up until a week or two i think, or probably the census date make sure with the lecturers. Btw what engo major are you doing?
  14. STx

    MATH1141 or MATH1131

    mm I don't think so, it's for people who enjoy maths. The algebra lecturer for 1141 last year Peter Brown was awesome, he always liked to mention lots of interesting math history as well.
  15. STx

    acceptence confusion

    Matriculation means you have just been accepted to the uni, btw that message might stay there for a while. Also when you are enrolling for your subjects use this tool- Rectangles made by some of our CSE students. It generates all possible timetable combos and then you can sort them through many...
  16. STx

    Should I Do The Chemistry Bridging Course?

    check here:
  17. STx

    General Education (Gen Ed) FAQ
  18. STx

    acturial studies with science

    well go for comp sci if you enjoy coding, but maths ands stats will do nicely. For comp sci I think you have to get permision because you're doing B Science(Computer Science) which is under the science faculty and not B Computer Science which is under CSE Faculty but I don't think it would be...
  19. STx

    2008 UNSW school of business students rollcall!

    any 2007 eng/comms starting comm subjects this year?
  20. STx

    general UNSW chit-chat

    hey guys, I found this autotimetable made by some awesome cse students: