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  1. STx

    Not happy with offer...what do i do??!!

    yes, just accept the current one and wait for the other rounds. good luck
  2. STx

    UNSW - accepting offers online?

    hmm, if you want to change I think you can only try that for the late round offers
  3. STx

    Semester 1 2008 timetables

    What course are you doing?
  4. STx

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    "the next chapter in this unbelievable tale: Michael's rebound relationship" LOL
  5. STx

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    ^ I just saw ep4, zomg its true! Well at least Linc thinks so lol. I think its some BS trick by the company hehe
  6. STx

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    ^ yes that kind of stuff happens in Prison Break land.
  7. STx

    general UNSW chit-chat

    so there were camels at uni today...
  8. STx

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    nice! :wave:
  9. STx

    Is this a good deal for a laptop?

    actually have a read on since the santa rosa notebooks only came out after i bought the PRO31JC, so theres probably better deals than this with newer tech.
  10. STx

    Is this a good deal for a laptop?

    yeah, this is definitely not a real gaming laptop ( F3JC is nearly the same. It should be okay for light gaming with low settings though.
  11. STx

    Is this a good deal for a laptop?

    I have this exact one and theres nothing to complain about but I agree with getting another gig of ram.
  12. STx

    BEST LAPTOP BRAND- Your Choice

    ^ Yeps agree with Asus, whats wrong with Apples?
  13. STx

    need advices for enigeering at uni

    yeah, engo/science will help if you want to go on to research, just put it down now and you can drop the science later if you dont like the workload, but picking science up afterwards might be a hassle. FOr the engo major just go with what interests you most.
  14. STx

    Transformers - The Movie (2007)

    Big FKing Robots ftw!, cant wait for the next one!
  15. STx

    BEST MP3 Players

    yeps, same here with h320, and RockBox( makes it even better!
  16. STx

    Bachelor of Software Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce

    hmm do you live closer to UNSW or ANU? Go UNSW :)
  17. STx

    External GPU

    hmm seems pretty pointless to me, so gamers would have to heave that thing around?.. And yeah it would be better to just to get a better laptop.
  18. STx

    BEST LAPTOP BRAND- Your Choice

    yeps ASUS ftw, just got one recently. Macbook pros like very nice but are too pricey
  19. STx

    Help~~~plz~~~2 Machanics Qs

    ^ yeah mv^2/r and mrw^2 are linked by v=rw, and just go with with what the question already has.
  20. STx

    Engineering/Commerce Semester 2 courses help!

    ^lol Mumma just check the recommended program from the civil engo course site