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  1. STx

    Most Wanted Games? [2007]

    dont forget Crysis
  2. STx

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    ^ what do you mean by 'their identity thing' ?
  3. STx

    Nerds FC 2

    I met Robin from season 1 next to the CSE Revue stall at unsw oweek, lol hes a funny guy
  4. STx

    do we...

    ^ oh I emailed the Maths faculty about it and: You will find out the location for the tutorials at the end of the 1st week on the first floor of the Red Centre Building notice board.
  5. STx

    Get Your Id Cards Now

    mm yeah i think so- cos mine has 'BE'
  6. STx

    UNSW Unipass

    mm i had the temporary unipass and i got the receipt with the new password(which was hard to remember) when i got my ID card, so I logged in and changed it back to the one I had before lol
  7. STx

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    ^ you mean double episodes? I dont think so
  8. STx

    Electrical Engineering

    yep unsw has the largest engo faculty in Australia
  9. STx

    computer science 1st year course selection

    Does the COMP stream of ENGG1000 only have one 'Tutorial-Laboratory' class? - cos other streams have like Tutorial1 and 2.
  10. STx

    PSU blown up...third time within a year

    ^ ah right, no I dont have one, i found out about the Zippy brand on XS as well.. btw I have a Silverstone ST56F.
  11. STx

    Do We Even Need Vista?

    errr..i mentioned it on page 2 as well. btw im just hoping nvidia will have their drivers done well when Crysis comes out- for my 8800gts.
  12. STx

    PSU blown up...third time within a year
  13. STx

    Nerds FC 2

    ah McLake are/were you on the unsw Robocup team i think i saw you at an open day or engineering day. btw does anyone know where I can download season 1? cos I never saw it
  14. STx

    Do We Even Need Vista?

    I think thats just if you're using a usb connection but the drivers wont be needed for the ethernet connection.
  15. STx

    Blade Runner and the book

    yeah spot on, also I heard the book and the film have some dissimilarities so just stick with the movie. But I guess you could read the book if you had extra extra time :)
  16. STx

    Muck Up Photos

    wear a dress ahahaha, one guy did it at my school last year
  17. STx

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    lol hes probably afraid they will do more shit to his family, and wasnt he supposed to go to the hospital to see his son or something..
  18. STx

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    ^apart from torrents?
  19. STx


    I heard the COMP one was/is programming robots to move through a maze- from a lecturer at the advisory day.