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  1. STx

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    I just saw ep16.. mm pretty crazy as usual but poor Haywire.. :(
  2. STx

    Do We Even Need Vista?

    Im pretty sure the latest NOD32 version is vista compatible. Im probably gonna get vista when directx10 games come out and hopefully nvidia improve their drivers by that time lol
  3. STx

    Vist and MSN don't work together!

    Are you using version 8.1 final? And yeah a reinstall could fix it.
  4. STx

    PSU blown up...third time within a year

    ^lol 500kw+ ey, i think you meant 500W+ But anyway I reckon a 500W psu(a higher quality brand though) should be enough for that system the OP has. Only the 'Smart power' versions of Antec have had problems as i've heard but I think the 'True power' series are okay but get something like a...
  5. STx

    Sports @ Uni (Cricket)

    ^ i think its this one:
  6. STx

    PSU blown up...third time within a year

    mm cos its probably the most important part of the system and it could take the rest of the PC components with it if it dies.
  7. STx

    PSU blown up...third time within a year

    I've actually heard bad things(like what you experienced) about the 'smart power' ones from antec. But what hardware are you running though? btw, when you get a new one- look for these brands: Silverstone, Enermax,Zippy, PCP&C, Seasonic(Tier 1 Brands) and if you still want Antec get the Antec...
  8. STx

    Chosing My Classes (Problem)

    how do you know 60% fail it?
  9. STx

    Computer Processor Help ( Which one to get)

    oh ok, then the Pentium D should be fine and save you money.
  10. STx

    Computer Processor Help ( Which one to get)

    ^ its using a completely new architecture and even though the stock clock speeds of the core 2 duos are lower than the D's they are whooping them and and all of amd's current offerings in performance and power consumption
  11. STx

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    wtf e15 was nuts, just when I thought it couldnt be more messed up ahaha- and it seems like Kellerman is gonna backstab..
  12. STx

    Get Your Id Cards Now

    yeps same here, got it around that time yesterday and in the arvo I saw the huge line and had a lol.
  13. STx

    computer science

    thx, but i think i need a CSE username first- the unsw student number doesnt work with it.
  14. STx

    computer science

    Do we only activate the CSE accounts at the tutorial or something? or can we do it now?
  15. STx

    HELP ENROLLING COMM- 2 majors possible

    ^thx, oh right thats ok then, Finance it is.
  16. STx

    Higher Maths and Maths 1A @ UNSW

    I think all MATH1141 ppl have Dr AH An Huef and/or Mr PG Brown??
  17. STx

    Get Your Id Cards Now

    im gonna see if I can get mine on the advisory day- coming Monday.
  18. STx

    HELP ENROLLING COMM- 2 majors possible

    Yeh are 2 majors possible for engo/comm as well?-comm subjects start in 2nd year for engo/comm as well
  19. STx

    Desktop brands

    yeps agreed, you should just get msy do build it for you if dont wanna do it youreself
  20. STx

    Prison Break (For people following US tv)

    Yeh and still no sign of Haywire ahahaha