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  1. N


    UMAT raw scores are not out of 300. Ive seen people get over 100 in a section. Acer doesnt really tell anyone how they work it out.
  2. N

    Hey im interested in purchasing Excel Preliminary Chemistry by C.M Roebuck in excellent...

    Hey im interested in purchasing Excel Preliminary Chemistry by C.M Roebuck in excellent condition! RRP: $27.95 $18 What price can u do if i come and pick it up ?
  3. N

    Non-Standards in Med School

    Lol funny how u can endorse prep courses here but not on mso :haha: Whys that reason any way ? To nivi7 dont let ur dad pick your what you want. If that is medicine you should have considered anu's provisional entry program if u got above 98 uai.
  4. N

    James Ruse are cheaters and the BOS do not care.

    Lol threads about ruse always become monsters, :rofl:
  5. N

    Yes we can

    ohh crap i better buy something :bomb:
  6. N

    Entry into Medicine

    UMAT 270 :eek: I hope ur talking about percentiles ? If ur not ive never heard of a raw score as high as 270 and nobody knows what the umat is out of. With a 99+ enter and a umat score close to 90% ud be safe to a certain degree provide you dont stuff up interviews.
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    My car, what does everyone think?

    You'll find it pretty hard to sell
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    Going ahead?

    At this stage before school starts finish off modules 1 & 2 that should have you covered for half yearlies. Then do hardcore prep for the half yearlies. Then put your foot on the accelerator so you can finish a couple of weeks before trials :uhhuh:
  9. N

    Confused as hell...

    It wont make any difference that your not doing a science degree. But to get in at unsw for non-standards they go 50:50 uai/gpa so u need to do VERY well at uni. I think ur best hope is at uws unless u get a 200+ umat.
  10. N

    Is JUAI/SAM/ALBERT calculators accurate???!!!

    Einstein was the closest to mine with a 0.05 overestimate. All three calculators were pretty close - nearest 0.2
  11. N

    What will i need for 97+

    Just go on SAM and fiddle around with your marks.
  12. N

    Physics Tutor Wanted

    I can offer u tuition via msn pm me
  13. N

    Maximising the benefits of procrastination

    I had a motivational poster i stared at. It had pictures of the dream car, the dream house, the perfect girlfriend ect. ect. so when i started procrastinating i was quick to get back to work :spin: Someone actually told me to do this i cant remember who it was.
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    ANU provisional medicine

    I called up the faculty and they told me that the provisional offer means u dont have to do the interview again....thats it ! You still have to get a pretty high gpa and a competitive gamsat score like any other applicant. You compete with everybody else to get into postgrad med. It actually...
  15. N

    Is the University of Western Sydney really as bad as people make it out to be?

    Oh woops my bad i got confused with the join date :haha:
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    Is the University of Western Sydney really as bad as people make it out to be?

    Its not the 6 years but physically there is a heck of alot of difference between a 17yr old female and 23 yr old male.
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    Is the University of Western Sydney really as bad as people make it out to be?

    you hsc 2009....your partner 2nd year graduate....:rofl:
  18. N

    UAI 99% - What Results Should I Be Getting?

    This is true but it is very very possible to get 99 uai without a band 6 in english. First-hand experience :hat: But having said that a high english mark takes u along way.
  19. N

    How detailed are your notes?

    Sounds good to me :)