Search results

  1. Survivor39

    Scholarships: Documentation

    It says a maximum of 5 documents of academic importance from Year 11 and 12 only. The personal statement does not count. Your HSC transcript and UAI certificate counts. You can send 3 additional evidence if you wish.
  2. Survivor39

    Biochemistry Tut times

    Hmmm. I think they changed the enrolment system this year? All we have to do is to enrol in a lab spot. The tute is actually in a lecture time slot, which can be a lecture or a tute depending on the weeks. It does not determine your lab time.
  3. Survivor39

    Primary research

    I think it's perfectly fine. Hopefully you'll find some good information and incorporate that into your PIP to generate a good conclusion.
  4. Survivor39

    Primary research

    Yes, sounds like an interesting and refreshing topic. You need to make "classical music" interesting for markers who may not be familiar with classical music. And more importantly, make clear connection with classical music and how it actually influence children's learning and creativity. i.e...
  5. Survivor39

    Primary research

    Quotes would be a good idea. Remember you are seen as a "researcher". You want to bring new information to the current topic. Don't give a whole 10 pages of background infromation and bore the markers to death! :D What they are looking for is not a "review" of your topic, but your perspective...
  6. Survivor39

    Pip Topics Of '07'

    Yep. It would be an interesting PIP! To examine the media's role in your topic, maybe you can do a simple quantitative analysis of how many articles have been published on one form of the publication and see what this tells you. For example, you may have newspaper clippings during that peroid...
  7. Survivor39

    PIP TOPICS 07- surfing?!?!

    An interesting topic. Maybe you can base your PIP on surfing and the Australian values. Why Australians associate surfing as part of being an "Australian".
  8. Survivor39

    Guide To The Writing Of The PIP

    Have you had a look at the threads on "Examples of PIP" and "Referencing your PIP"? The "Examples of PIP" contain a number of High Distinction PIPs so you can have a look at what they have included in their Logs. The "Referencing your PIP" section also tells you how you can cite your...
  9. Survivor39

    Primary research

    It would be best that you include primary research there as well. The markers are looking for a more "integrative approach" to your PIP. They DO NOT want to see a chapter by chapter recitation of each aspect of your methodology and approach. These PIPs will score NO MORE than a Band 3. Your...
  10. Survivor39

    Post grad entry to medicine at UNSW

    You cannot get into those courses without a Med degree. Note** "The programs are for Medical Practitioners and Physicians."
  11. Survivor39

    Post grad entry to medicine at UNSW

    Are you referring to the following courses? 9055 Master of Sports Medicine 5503 Graduate Diploma in Sports Medicine 7378 Graduate Certificate in Sports Medicine These are postgraduate coursework programs about 1 year in length. You MUST have a MBBS to do it because they are for med...
  12. Survivor39

    the amazing race

    I think the best team won this year. I liked the puzzle bits. Can't wait for the New Seaon!
  13. Survivor39

    First round offers

    That will depends on your Uni marks
  14. Survivor39

    First round offers

    Sorry I should made myself more clear. You will only get ONE offer for CSP place, and One for DFEE if you have it on your list.
  15. Survivor39

    First round offers

    No. if the course is full (e.g. MedSc), they will again go down your list of preference and see what is available. In this case you will look at Communication, if that is full or your requirement is not high enough, they then go to your 3rd choice, then 4th etc.
  16. Survivor39

    First round offers

    Yes. The course may either be (1) full (you have no chance of getting in) or (2) you are competing against people who have also changed their minds for the remaining few spots (the cut off will be higher).
  17. Survivor39

    First round offers

    I still don't get why people put preferences base on marks, not what they actually want to do. :confused: If you want to do medSc and got an offer for Communication, don't accept it and change your first preference to MedSc so you will be considered in the next round. If the course is...
  18. Survivor39

    First round offers

    Yes that's right. You only get ONE offer from EACH round. If you accept your offer, you will NOT get another offer from a later round. Not always. Enrolling at UNSW is done online.
  19. Survivor39

    Breakdown of Mark

    What subject are you referring to? Music 2?
  20. Survivor39

    What subjects to take?

    All the subjects you can take in the MedSc program are listed here: If you did those first year subjects you have done all the prerequisites for MedSc majors. In second year you take more specialised subjects for your...