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  1. Survivor39

    anyone doing biochem this year?

    I have looked through this section of the course and it seems very interesting. Should be a nice Option to do for people who doesn't really like Redox reactions or learning about industrial applications of chemistry in Industrial Chemistry.
  2. Survivor39

    HELP ME plz, (biology blueprint of life)

    DNA-DNA hybridisation involves two single-stranded DNA annealing together in the process. DNA-RNA hybridisation involves one single-stranded DNA and one single-stranded RNA annealing together.
  3. Survivor39

    Pasteur and Koch

    Yes, the opened flask contained spoiled broth. The point of the experiment was to show that life doesn't appear from no-where and must be reproduced from an exisiting life. In order to show microoriganisms are responsible for the decay, additional experiments would be more appropriate. For...
  4. Survivor39

    modern example of natural selection

    No it wouldn't be an example of natural selection. Unless there is an advantage of being an chimera, which can then allow them to survive better and reproduce. (Obviously this is not the case since chimerism is rare). I don't get what you mean by the second questions of "all of us one people...
  5. Survivor39

    Pasteur and Koch

    In order to answer this question, you need to know how the experiment actually works. The swan-neck flask containing a broth was boiled to ensure all living matter were destroyed. Then, it was left in room temperature. Due to the structure of flask, it allows air to enter or exit the flask but...
  6. Survivor39

    HELP ME plz, (biology blueprint of life)

    Methods that helps to further our understanding of the evolutionary relationships: DNA-DNA hydridisation DNA-RNA hydridisation DNA sequencing Protein expression
  7. Survivor39

    biology help with malaria please help

    When you talk about antigens, you are only talking about the microbial response of the parasites, NOT the host response. The host response refer to the object being infected with the parasite. You can talk about how host have defenses, both mechanical and cellular. eg. mechanical process like...
  8. Survivor39

    BIOS1201 - How did you Study?!

    Maybe the diagram is talking about uniport, symport etc and that type of thing. They always ask that in exams.
  9. Survivor39

    BIOS1201 - How did you Study?!

    Hmmm, BIOS1201 is not a repeat of Biology. :p oh yes.. the horror of organic chem. 1st session organic is okay, it didn't kill me THAT much. But 2nd session chem is bad... It was my lowest mark on my academic transcript.. stupid chem... Second and third year are much better guys (1 -...
  10. Survivor39

    BIOS1201 - How did you Study?!

    Yes, you need to know the CD stuff.
  11. Survivor39

    BIOS1201 - How did you Study?!

    Well... it's better than nothing....At least you know for sure you got 1 or 2 marks...out of 100.
  12. Survivor39

    BIOS1201 - How did you Study?!

    I think 1 or 2 questions were actually used in the actual final exam when I did it. So I think the pract test is similar to the final.
  13. Survivor39

    BIOS1201 - How did you Study?!

    You only lost 1.4 marks!
  14. Survivor39

    BIOS1201 - How did you Study?!

    hmmm, I think they average it out before giving the marks out. Not too sure. But one of my friend who was marked by the same marker as me, got 80. What did you get sikeveo? Surely it can't be that bad.
  15. Survivor39


    Hmmm, I've never done this module, but for your seond question, possibly compare with more species within the same genus. Altgernative, use molecular techniques to identify the homology between the two.
  16. Survivor39

    BIOS1201 - How did you Study?!

    Questions will be similar to the practice paper. :)
  17. Survivor39

    BIOS1201 - How did you Study?!

    And to the additional reading thing, yes some questions would be based on the tut CD stuff if you still get those in your year. And also some questions may require some deeper understanding of what is in the lecture notes. I remember some questions that I got was like "what the hecks??" and I...
  18. Survivor39

    BIOS1201 - How did you Study?!

    Margaret is very fair. It is likely that the average marks from each lab would be similar. So your marks MAY go up if the averages in your lab is lower than others. However, I don't think your marks will decrease.
  19. Survivor39

    Yet another accuracy/reliability question...

    Yes, it would increase accuracy and reliability of your RESULTS. In the real scientific world, most experiments are performed in triplicate (3 times) before a paper is submitted for review and publication. May be I haven't explained it well. okay. If you look at 1 leaf and saw a green bug...