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  1. Trebla


    See post #13 which starts the personal attack in a somewhat “soft” way - but was followed by a subsequent post I had to delete from that user because that was more direct and no longer about the subject matter. Whilst I agree that they are not as common, my point still stands that there is some...
  2. Trebla


    What usually happens is that it is a brief off the cuff insult followed by actual debate content. If there are still valid points and people are seeing the argument behind the noise of insults to debate back then that’s fine. It’s not always a case of people trading only insults at each other...
  3. Trebla


    Agree, but there is a small tolerance of this in Non-School (less so in School forums) and it’s more of a “watch and see” approach. Also, personal insults sometimes happen on both sides of the argument as well. I am not going to ban every instance someone says “idiot” or “dickhead” otherwise I...
  4. Trebla


    Fine. I will give you the benefit of the doubt. But surely you can do better than this
  5. Trebla


    Yes there is SylviaB has not ventured into any School forums and has been disciplined and banned multiple times. Quite frankly, I think the current system is proportionate (i.e a handful of inflammatory comments) because this site has seen far worse.
  6. Trebla


    We never take sides when people are arguing no matter how controversial the subject matter. We do not ban people for having an opinion that the rest of us don’t agree with. It’s all about how you go about expressing it, you can do it constructively or otherwise. Also keep in mind, we are...
  7. Trebla


    If you’re talking about the love at uni thread then only one post was deleted because it was quoting another user’s post which had someone’s real name. (Edit: post below) So you’re happy to make incorrect assertions but are not prepared to defend them with any evidence and resort to the same...
  8. Trebla


    Moved this to a new thread to avoid further derailing. Did you notice that I also deleted Directrix’s posts as well, not just yours? If a user is asking about Woolworths TPS, how exactly is a post about Carlingford and asians relevant at all to what the user is asking for? All I did was remove...
  9. Trebla


    Your posts were removed because they were irrelevant to the topic of the thread for the OP. Nothing to do with whether or not they were “outrageous” (no issues with the content if it was relevant to the thread topic). Had you posted something else irrelevant to the topic, it would still have...
  10. Trebla


    Please be aware of the limitations of your assertions. You have not seen what content from other users I have actually removed or given infractions to. If there are posts that are standing that you think should be deleted, then feel free to report them for our consideration.
  11. Trebla

    Lost marks due to bad handwriting?

    It would be hard to argue because in the HSC exam you won’t have that luxury. If the markers can’t read what you write (they’ll usually try their best to) and it contains content that is important to the response then you will be marked on it without that content.
  12. Trebla

    Is chess a sport?

  13. Trebla

    Raw Marks Database

    Pretty much this. The point of the HSC record of achievement (which is not used for ATAR calculation) is to show to employers that this student has demonstrated skill XYZ which is defined as per the band descriptors (see an example of this for English Advanced). This is more useful to an...
  14. Trebla

    Raw Marks Database

    Suggest checking out this flowchart to understand the high level process Aligned marks are used only for the HSC as an award. Scaled marks are only used for the ATAR.
  15. Trebla

    Amount of 2U content in 3U Mathematics papers

    Most of the stuff assessed in Ext1 is purely from the Ext1 syllabus rather than from the Adv syllabus. However, the Ext1 material will obviously have Adv as assumed knowledge.
  16. Trebla

    Is it possible to get a high ATAR of 99.95 with standard English?

    What has occurred in the past does not restrict what is possible in the future. English Standard students are typically not the type to excel (i.e. state rank or come close to it) in their other subjects. That is why you wouldn’t see too many getting 99+. It is not because there is some mythical...
  17. Trebla

    Vectors and tex

    I don’t believe it exists in absence of some package. You could also try using bold letters on the unit vectors as an alternative.
  18. Trebla

    University of Sydney Medicine undergraduate

    When you go to uni, you would not be able to accurately guess who got 99.95 vs 99.00 purely off their personality or social skills. The correlation isn’t as strong as people make it out to be.
  19. Trebla

    Selective school kids- would you have got a lower ATAR at a non-selective school?

    You should also consider the school's resources and capabilities. For example, some schools will never have a class for Maths Ext2 simply because they don't have the teaching capabilities to support it or there are not enough people to justify a class. Same goes for more specialised subjects...