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  1. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Maths Ext2 results and solutions will be released tonight...
  2. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Sorry, there is a bit of a backlog in getting Maths out before Chemistry as the Maths HSC exams start on Monday and the Chemistry HSC is still a while away. If you have any specific questions you want to know the answer to, just post it here.
  3. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Use this on the RHS of what you are trying to prove x_n=ax_{n-1}+bx_{n-2} Note that \alpha and \beta are the roots of the equation x^2=ax+b
  4. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Will just outline it here, because it is quite long to type in full. You need to prove \alpha^{k+1}(p-\beta q) = x_{k+2}-\beta x_{k+1} Use the definition of x_{k+2} x_{k+2}-\beta x_{k+1} = x_{k+1}(a-\beta)+bx_k But \alpha\beta = -b and \alpha+\beta=a Hence x_{k+1}(a-\beta)+bx_k =...
  5. Trebla

    HSC Extension 2 Mathematics Predictions / Thoughts

    Every question in this year’s BoS trials has been deliberately set to be within the scope of the syllabus. So it is definitely possible any one of them could come up in the HSC albeit perhaps with more guidance or hints (it has happened in the past). It’s just that the BoS trials are overly...
  6. Trebla

    HSC Extension 2 Mathematics Predictions / Thoughts

    Have you done the BoS trials?
  7. Trebla

    A few questions regarding setting out work in exams

    Fun fact, in some university level textbooks, the i, j, k are actually in bold rather than have a squiggly line underneath them. This makes it easy to read. That being said, once you start going into proper linear algebra with vectors and matrices into n dimensions, the i, j, k notation is...
  8. Trebla

    A few questions regarding setting out work in exams

    Both yes. You can also write eix if your aim is just to abbreviate.
  9. Trebla

    HSC Advanced English Paper 2 Thoughts

    This flowchart should hopefully clarify:
  10. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Since multiple people keep asking, the Chemistry paper is located on page 2 of this thread
  11. Trebla

    'Remarkable' similarities of HSC and trial standard English exams

  12. Trebla

    roots of unity

    More to do with balancing workload of writing 3 exams against the degree of interest in them. In the past, the Ext1 and Ext2 papers have been far more popular. If people really want an Adv paper we may reconsider doing it.
  13. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    We should be in a position to release solutions and results for Maths Ext2 in the next 2-3 days. In the meantime, if there are any specific questions you want an outlined solution for, just ask and I can reply.
  14. Trebla

    roots of unity

    There is a team of people (including myself) who contribute to the questions. Have you done all the past BoS trial papers since 2012? Every one of them should have a roots of unity question
  15. Trebla

    HSC English Standard/Advanced Paper 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    Good luck! Thought I would just recycle this from last year because it's still relevant...
  16. Trebla

    Maths Advanced and Standard are scaled as a single course

    Given this has come from a website outside of NESA, best to assume this is just rumour (or worse misinformation) until anything official comes out of NESA or UAC. As far as I am aware, NESA is just “researching options for a common scale” and nothing has been implemented. If anything has...
  17. Trebla

    Maths Advanced and Standard are scaled as a single course

    Whilst common content between Standard and Advanced was always there in the new syllabus, the leap to reporting on a common scale (similar to English Advanced/Standard and is done by UAC not NESA) has not been made official so I would take this with a grain of salt.
  18. Trebla

    Maths Advanced and Standard are scaled as a single course

    Source of this information?
  19. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    A useful exam tip I wanted to share after marking Q12 for Maths Ext2. I'm seeing a lot of students go ahead and directly derive the displacement equations of simple harmonic motion by integration in Q12b)i). Whilst it is useful to know how to do that, you actually do NOT need to waste...
  20. Trebla

    Help with statistics problem

    Let D be the detected speed in the camera, S be the actual speed and E be the error such that E = D - S. We are looking for the event that an infringement occurs (i.e. D > 80) and the actual speed is does not exceed 80 km/h (S < 80) for the two different values of the errors. If the detected...