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  1. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    When you perform the substitution, your integrand should look very similar to a standard normal probability density function. You can then use some of its properties to get the answer.
  2. Trebla

    Chemistry New Syllabus Resources

    We do have a BoS trial paper for Chemistry for practice questions...
  3. Trebla

    Maths advance questions

    I have moved this to the Maths forum along with your other threads. Going forward, please post Maths questions in the relevant Maths forums, not General Discussion. Thanks!
  4. Trebla

    De Moivre's Theorem

    Just expand the RHS using compound angles and it works out. You actually don't even need to memorise this because it's in the reference sheet.
  5. Trebla

    De Moivre's Theorem

    As a hint 1+\cos\theta-i\sin\theta = 2\cos^2\frac{\theta}{2}-2i\sin\frac{\theta}{2}\cos\frac{\theta}{2} = 2\cos\frac{\theta}{2}\left(\cos\frac{\theta}{2} - i\sin\frac{\theta}{2}\right) = 2\cos\frac{\theta}{2}\left(\cos\left(-\frac{\theta}{2}\right) + i\sin\left(-\frac{\theta}{2}\right)\right)
  6. Trebla

    Hard Proofs Question

    It is definitely possible to have very difficult questions in either of those topics. See Q15 and Q16a) of the 2020 BoS trials. The only topic that I would consider “hard” that is removed from the syllabus is Harder Ext1 where they had the freedom to ask any question they really want to...
  7. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Thanks to everyone that attended today for the Chemistry BoS trial exams! This was our first ever year doing trial exams for this subject so hopefully you found the paper to be useful and interesting! Massive thanks to jazz519 for writing the paper and Drdusk for coming to help supervise the...
  8. Trebla

    Extension 2 Maths help

    Then do the BoS trial papers...(shameless promo here)
  9. Trebla

    Statistical Analysis Questions Help

    For the first part, is X meant to be a discrete random variable? If so, the notion of a pdf does not exist. It is actually the pmf (probability mass function). If so, then we have P(X=x) = (1-p)^{1-x}p The cumulative distribution function is given by F(x) = P(X \leq x) = P(X=1) + P(X=2) +...
  10. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Just a reminder the Chemistry exam is on tomorrow afternoon at Chatswood! On the day, you will be required to provide your mobile details (for potential contact tracing purposes) and be subject to a temperature check. Please speak to reception and you will be directed to the Jeff Bezos/Sheryl...
  11. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    It should be possible. The only thing is that the questions are spread out between multiple people marking, so somehow have to coordinate collecting it from each person...
  12. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Pending someone giving that, feel free to name a handful of specific questions you want to know the answer to and we can provide a brief outline of the solution.
  13. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    A small handful of spots have opened up for the Chemistry exam from people withdrawing their registrations. If you are interested in attending, please let me know as soon as possible. Likewise, if you are no longer able to attend please let me know as well.
  14. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Updated files with some typo fixes
  15. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Thanks to all those that attended today for the Maths BoS trial exams! Hope you guys found the papers challenging and interesting. :p Massive thanks to the rest of the team who helped put the questions and paper together (Paradoxica, sharky564, jjlim7, RealiseNothing, Kingom to name a few)...
  16. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Just a reminder the Maths exams are on tomorrow at Parramatta! On the day, you will be required to provide your mobile details (for potential contact tracing purposes). Please respect and observe distancing rules. Mask wearing is highly encouraged (though not required). If you are feeling...
  17. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Another update. We have just hit our registration cap for all exams! Any new registrations from now on will be placed on the reserve list. Should any spaces be freed up, I will let you know and ask you to re-confirm your registration. As mentioned in my earlier post, if you are currently...
  18. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Hi all, Thanks again to those who have registered so far! If anyone who has registered is no longer able to attend, please notify me as soon as possible so I can free up more spots for others who can make it. We are still accepting registrations for now but we are getting close to the...
  19. Trebla

    Past Paper Mathematics 3U questions

    For the second question, start with the scenario where the product of two values in the toss is already a perfect square. This should cover the majority of the cases. When the product of the two values is already a perfect square, then the only way to get the final product to be a perfect...
  20. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Thanks to everyone who has registered so far! Some good news to add. Given the higher than expected demand we have received for the Chemistry exam, we have secured another room from the venue (with physical distancing of course). This means we will lift the Chemistry exam registration cap from...