Search results

  1. Trebla

    Internal moderation

    Your internal mark is a reflection of your internal performance alone. Your own external mark is effectively independent of that. External marks of the cohort (not the individual) are used as a “guide” to calibrate where the cohort’s collective internal marks should be relative to the state...
  2. Trebla

    n or n-1 for sample standard deviation?

    The value of the sample variance is the spread of the data within the sample. It will always vary depending on what sample you get. It is a realisation of an experiment so it shouldn't really have any probabilities in it. In your example, say you take a sample of 100 pens out of 1000 pens and...
  3. Trebla

    n or n-1 for sample standard deviation?

    I would be interested to see what the questions actually ask in those papers because there is a nuance here that I don't think is easily understood. If X is a B(n,p) random variable to model the sampling distribution of n trials of independent Bernoulli random variables, then if we define...
  4. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2020

    Sick of doing standard repetitive questions and want some good practice for the harder questions in the HSC exams? Want to do a practice paper for the new syllabus under simulated exam conditions in preparation for your HSC? Know someone at school who is a gun at HSC maths and/or HSC...
  5. Trebla

    NESA Extension Subject Marks

    Most extension subjects are reported out of 50, because they count as 1 unit each. For students who do Maths Extension 2, they are reported as Maths Ext1 and Maths Ext2 out of 100 each, because they count as 2 units each.
  6. Trebla

    Very hard mechanics question

    For part (i), use differentiation to find the velocity and acceleration equations and do a bunch of substitutions to reach the form of the acceleration equation given
  7. Trebla

    Do only 5% of people get 95 atar and above?

    Not quite. An ATAR of 95 or above represents the top 5% of everyone who would have been eligible for an ATAR (including drop-outs etc). Quoted from the UAC 2019 scaling report: An ATAR of 99.00 does not represent the top 1% of the ATAR cohort; 1.7% of the 2019 ATAR cohort actually gained an...
  8. Trebla

    moderation question

    For the particular example you have given, I suspect that the moderated marks given for ranks (1, 2, 3) will be (95, 80, 75). The reason for this is because internally the gap between rank 1st and 2nd (6%) is 3x the gap between rank 2nd and 3rd (2%). This 3x relativity in the gap also happens...
  9. Trebla

    Bored of Studies user survey

    Bump. This survey closes by end of tomorrow!
  10. Trebla

    Bored of Studies user survey

    Bump. Less than two days until the survey closes!
  11. Trebla

    How ranks affect ATAR

    You always keep your own exam mark (50% of total). What is moderated is your internal mark (also 50% of total) on the basis that you are ranked third internally. Suggest having a read of this
  12. Trebla

    Bored of Studies user survey

    Bump. Less than a week before the survey closes!
  13. Trebla

    Scaling for various subjects

    Um...I was always referring to scaling as the process to convert raw marks to scaled marks (see the flow chart I linked earlier)? This raw to scaled mark "conversion" (i.e. when scaling is applied) is not uniform across all the percentiles within a subject (in fact the scaling report...
  14. Trebla

    Scaling for various subjects

    Some of the interpretation here is not quite correct. First of all, it is actually the (relative) cohort strength that drives scaling, NOT the difficulty of the subject. Scaling is based on the student cohort data received for that year. There is no pre-determined rule that says one subject...
  15. Trebla

    Scaling for various subjects

    Scaling is not applied to the aligned marks. It is applied to the raw marks. Suggest looking at the flowchart file in the thread below to understand the high level process
  16. Trebla

    Paradox of limiting ranks

    This is likely one of those exceptional cases in the moderating process where an exclusion occurs. From Some students’ exam marks are not used in the moderation of school assessment marks if they are affected...
  17. Trebla

    What will happen to your final HSC mark if your rank is equally first with another person?

    If a school submits assessment marks with two (or more) students ranked first (tied on the top assessment mark), then the top moderated assessment mark will equal the average (mean) of the two (or more) highest exam marks for the school group. This also applies if students tie on the bottom...
  18. Trebla

    Bored of Studies user survey

    Hi all, If you haven't already noticed, the Bored of Studies user survey is now open! :jump: This survey has come about because we are constantly looking for ways to improve the user experience of this website. We need YOUR help to guide us in our future decision making. Why should you...
  19. Trebla

    Dumb Textbooks

    A textbook like Maths in Focus is targeted more towards the average student in the state, so it certainly has a place. If your goal is more towards getting band 6 then obviously recommend textbooks like Cambridge.
  20. Trebla

    Will the 2021 HSC continue?

    Today’s case numbers tell you nothing about what the future situation will look like.