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  1. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Vectors q.

    This is only true if it is specified in the question that you are to use a specific method, it is not true in general. The math curriculums do not work in an isolated fashion, coord geometry has already been learnt in 7-10 and some 11-12 units, it is assumed knowledge. Any known or obvious...
  2. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Gatekeep resources prior trials

    Some nerds are weirdly competitive when it comes to ranks/marks. When I was at school, many high achieving students in my year lied about how much they studied in order to try to de-spirit other students, they gatekept resources, or just actively deceived others about how difficult certain...
  3. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Vectors Practice Questions

    If you really love vectors (who doesn't), you can try self-learning and practicing some of chapter 5 from Steve Howards free extension 2 textbook, it is free and has some solutions and is really very good overall. Sometimes the EX1 harder exam questions can somewhat overlap with the EX2 topics...
  4. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Vectors q.

    There are actually heaps of ways to answer these kinds of questions. This can definitely be done super quickly because it is a square. Midpoint of AC is (2, 1.5i), slope of AC is 5/2, and vector from A to AC midpoint is (1, 2.5i). This means if you add (2.5,-1i) to the midpoint of AC you will...
  5. ZakaryJayNicholls

    How would you prove this limit theorem?

    Your method does technically work and is also quite succinct - correct. Now lets just end this here.
  6. ZakaryJayNicholls

    How would you prove this limit theorem?

    I did say that I was presenting a really easy way, a quick and novel method, which works in this context. Complaining about the fact that it's not rigorous enough for your specific taste is a waste of time.
  7. ZakaryJayNicholls

    How would you prove this limit theorem?

    Note1: The limits do exist, they simply exist uniquely from each side. Note2: The concern as to the answer being zero is "does 1/x go to infinity faster than cosx-1 goes to zero", 1/0.1=10, 1/0.01=100 eg linear, cos0.1-1 =-0.0049, cos0.01-1=-0.0000499 eg faster than linear. This means the cos...
  8. ZakaryJayNicholls

    How would you prove this limit theorem?

    Really easy way is to split the fraction (limit of product is product of limits): lim x->0 (cosx-1/x) = lim x->0 (1/x) * lim x->0 (cosx-1) = inf * 0 = 0
  9. ZakaryJayNicholls

    is this allowed idk how copyright works ngl

    I agree that it is morally dubious to make money off materials you did not create. I personally never charge people money for resources I have not created or for resources I have created, I only ever charge money for lessons. Offering tutoring and using those resources as a supplementary...
  10. ZakaryJayNicholls

    I moved from Advanced Mathematics to Standard Mathematics and idk if I regret it now...

    The only medical disciplines which really mandate high levels of math ability are fields like epidemiology, medical research, medical physics, and medical engineering (along with a handful of others). By taking standard you are essentially preventing yourself access from these programs in your...
  11. ZakaryJayNicholls

    How to study the syllabus?

    The HSC Economics syllabus is quite hard to find good resources for, a lot of economics is about reading and comprehending general ideas which then get applied to various aspects of our economy or the global economy. There is a lot of overlap in economics resources, so the Prelim/HSC textbooks...
  12. ZakaryJayNicholls

    2024 HSC Chat

    That is an interesting initiative. Unfortunately, the problem is not the teacher numbers entering, it is the number of teachers who leave shortly after starting, as much as 50% of the teaching graduate cohorts leave within 10 years. Around 60% of people who hold teaching degrees or...
  13. ZakaryJayNicholls

    2024 HSC Chat

    95 is an unnecessarily high cutoff, but 60 is definitely too low. 75-80+ would definitely bring in a slightly more well-organized cohort of students to fields like teaching and nursing and the society would benefit.
  14. ZakaryJayNicholls

    2024 HSC Chat

    Journalists just don't understand how education & training works. It should ideally not matter who the students are, the key should be that the most capable and the most available are pushed as far into the most complicated and society changing professions and trades as is possible. If more...
  15. ZakaryJayNicholls

    need help on this question

    In the first example 7/12 was the combined-pipe fraction of a tank that could be filled in one hour. 7/12 times x equals 1 allowed you to find the time taken in hours (x) in order to fill the tank. In the second part, we now know time taken is 80 minutes (which is 4/3 hours), and the...
  16. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Am I better off dropping down to Standard Maths?

    Advanced actually covers challenging algebra and introductory calculus, as well as calculus based mathematical modelling and calculus based statistics, standard does not cover or even begin to get close to anything like this in any meaningful way. A student having seen calculus before is more...
  17. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Am I better off dropping down to Standard Maths?

    ATAR scaling is in no way indicative of difficulty or academic rigor. It is an arbitrary, heavily grade-inflated, system used to allocate students into the university system. To demonstrate this point, students completing Standard2 are often not allowed to even enroll in quantitative degrees...
  18. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Am I better off dropping down to Standard Maths?

    I didn't say "higher" I said "more meaningful".
  19. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Am I better off dropping down to Standard Maths?

    should say " a 50 in advanced is almost certainly more meaningful than a 90 in standard2. " Has been corrected.
  20. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Am I better off dropping down to Standard Maths?

    Just to clear things up Standard math is roughly scaled to AQF level 3, advanced math is scaled to AQF level 4, and Extension math is scaled to AQF 5 [AQF 5 being the approximate level of first year university math courses]. For a student who completed year 9/10 in the 5.3 or 5.3+ streams [which...