Search results

  1. ZakaryJayNicholls

    what topic in yr 11 maths is mathematical indiction

    Despite what some of the other commentators have said, there is no meaningful distinction between year 11 and year 12 content, the teachers have to teach all the listed outcomes , in some order, regardless of their coding (ME-P1/ MA-M1.3/etc), the coding is largely done by pencil pushers at NESA...
  2. ZakaryJayNicholls

    URGENT HEL!!!! Uni decision!!

    Typically, you can transfer from any program at one university to any other program at that university (single to double, double to single, single to single, or double to double) after a semester of year of study if you have a high enough GPA, note that not all of your completed courses may...
  3. ZakaryJayNicholls

    University offer

    The thing kids coming out of the school system should remember is that a good student will do well at any university, a university is an enabler of learning, it does not do the learning for you. Notre Dame is quite a young institution compared to most, consequently it can be difficult to find...
  4. ZakaryJayNicholls

    How to not fall behind in Physics and extension maths?

    The general rule I give my students is "Study at minimum 1 hour per day per subject - 5 days a week.". This is usually a sufficient time allocation to at least keep up, for students wishing to get ahead they will need to allocate more time than this. Consistent study is a very key element in...
  5. ZakaryJayNicholls

    What do I need to know from year 10 physics to be able to do year 11 and year 12 physics?

    Just make sure you're really good at algebra, if you have a good physics teacher, they will work really fast and they won't tolerate students being poor at algebra, they'll just continue on their set schedule and student's poor at 9-10 algebra will really fall behind.
  6. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Unfamiliar question types

    During you HSC courses you encounter 2 types of learning: (1) Rote learning of specific examples, (2) General learning of concepts. The most academically successful students engage in both, they try to learn how specific common examples work but they also focus on developing a deeper...
  7. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Atar estimation pls ;)

    It depends on where in the bands you actually came, but I'd say something like ~86 is a good estimate. You could go slightly above or slightly below depending on the specific examination performance, but I would imagine you're likely to end up fairly close to this mark. Getting in the 80's is a...
  8. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Starting HSC Mathematics Advanced and Extension

    Every topic will be covered to some extent, the exams can technically even include content from 7-10 curriculums as math is a cumulative enterprise. Make sure you are exceptionally good at algebra (equations, simultaneous equations, solving, and graphing) as well as calculus (derivates...
  9. ZakaryJayNicholls

    (subject selection) is it too much for workload?

    Obviously the courses in of themselves are not sufficient to make you a professional in the fields, they are starting points into the professions, requisite to the actual training required. For most professional programmers they will do degrees in computer science or software engineering and...
  10. ZakaryJayNicholls

    How many past papers per day?

    A fair student will be doing something like 30 min each day for each subject, a good student will be doing 1-2 hour of study per subject per day (which is high but achievable). 2+ hours per subject per day is a huge risk as you run the risk of burning yourself out before the exam. An average...
  11. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    You kids need to stop worrying about schools so much and actually go and study! If you study, you'll do well no matter where you go.
  12. ZakaryJayNicholls

    idk what to do??

    Just keep up minimum momentum, if you do 20 min of each subject each day you should be able to pull of similar performance in the hsc without burning out too much. Remember you will get a break from all this when the exams are done. Even if you take a break for a week or so, you’ll still be able...
  13. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Atar Prediction?

    I would say 95 ish is a safe estimate, assuming you do fairly well in the exams/other people in your classes do well. You’re unlikely to get sub 95 unless your exam performance is particularly poor.
  14. ZakaryJayNicholls

    How much of prelim chemistry and physics is tested in the hsc? Which specific prelim topics/concepts are needed to understand the content in year 12?

    Math can test content from anywhere in either course including year 7-10 basics if they wish. This is how the math exams have always worked and will always work as math is a cumulative subject.
  15. ZakaryJayNicholls

    How much of prelim chemistry and physics is tested in the hsc? Which specific prelim topics/concepts are needed to understand the content in year 12?

    Sorry to break it to you, but pretty much all of prelim in both Econ and Phys are prerequisite information. Modules 1/2/4 for physics are all quite important as most hsc modules build on these, all modules from economics are important because your short response and essay answers should include...
  16. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    Nope. Merewether High School. Then attended Newcastle University as a commerce student in the faculty of business and law.
  17. ZakaryJayNicholls

    theoretical hsc scenario

    To be completely honest, most universities don't care too much about your subjects so long as you do well in them. An ATAR/rank of 80+ will get you into any professional degree through at least one of Australian 30+ unis, and an ATAR below 80 can be fixed by taking a bridging program or transfer...
  18. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    I attended an academic selective school and did Music2/Extension Music, of the 12 people in my Music2 class, about half are now professional musicians or musical directors. Including one who up until recently was a Choral Scholar and then Lay Clerk with the Choir of King’s College at Cambridge...
  19. ZakaryJayNicholls

    How much of prelim chemistry and physics is tested in the hsc? Which specific prelim topics/concepts are needed to understand the content in year 12?

    For Physics/Math, HSC questions may start by getting you to calculate something from the preliminary course or you may need to do something using a prelim method and a HSC method and compare results, or you may simply need to understand a fundamental principle from the prelim course in order to...
  20. ZakaryJayNicholls

    (subject selection) is it too much for workload?

    SENG is primarily focused on the coding and implementation - starting to learn the details of becoming a professional software developer, Enterprise (which also could have been called Business Analytics or Data Science) is focused on the bits of computing/management used in businesses - this...