Search results

  1. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Losing marks

    The HSC marker guidelines specify how the markers are to mark, they typically require simplification, but it depends on the question. If you have a question, lets say find the derivative of y = x*ln(x) A version of the correct answer is: y' = 1*ln(x)+x*(1/x) But, the simplified correct answer...
  2. ZakaryJayNicholls

    2U Math Q

    As Sam correctly pointed out, as long as you have m_{1} and b_{1} both belonging to the same star it will work either way. In terms of formal Astrophysics, it is not uncommon to turn the subscript 1 and 2 into the name of the stars so as to prevent confusion (as subscripts are used to name...
  3. ZakaryJayNicholls

    What should i do? (Going into maths year 11 related)

    Try not to worry what other people think, standard math is a very nice and clean curriculum (despite its unfortunate lack of rigour). It is especially well suited for folks who intend to follow non quantitative focused careers. Many students taking apprenticeships or direct employment...
  4. ZakaryJayNicholls

    What should i do? (Going into maths year 11 related)

    All math is good math. We have a word for people who denigrate others for their subject selections, we call those people wankers.
  5. ZakaryJayNicholls

    What should i do? (Going into maths year 11 related)

    It's preferable for you to have done Advanced Math (with minimum band 3-4) if you're going to go into computing or economics, as both areas will require strong quantitative problem solving and very reasonable math ability in order to achieve. In fact, having taken advanced math is highly...
  6. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Is it just me or the Perms & Combs in Cambridge textbook so hard?

    The only other interesting fact I remember about Merewether is that during the 2005-2010 period (A period in which we had 3 separate principles - the time when I was there - this was also directly around the GFC) we had two older male teachers terminated/leave for either being charged with...
  7. ZakaryJayNicholls

    How do I study for physics

    For math/physics fundamentals are everything. tbh you should know the course by this point, but if you don’t a good idea is to go back through the chapter reviews from your class textbook starting from year 11 (if you finish those move on to year 12). If you lack basics in physics you’re not...
  8. ZakaryJayNicholls

    School changed Year 12 Order

    Tutoring and teaching are about lifelong understanding of content, not about having a student rote learn examples within exam convenient timeframes. Thus, the order of content delivery is irrelevant, what matters most is that you're actually competent at the subject. If OP can't survive the HSC...
  9. ZakaryJayNicholls

    School changed Year 12 Order

    Just keep following the proscribed order the tutoring school follows + Jump ahead in your textbook and briefly familiarize yourself with some of the content and examples from M7 and M8. You will probably do worse in any M7 based assessment (given that you will be learning it with only...
  10. ZakaryJayNicholls

    CSSA trial (advanced/ extension maths)

    Possibly to give you 3x20c pieces if they were low/out of 50c and 10c pieces. This is not an uncommon thing which people do in sales to prevent themselves from having to rebalance a till.
  11. ZakaryJayNicholls

    private or selective school?

    Good teachers is really the main thing which matters. Really good teachers will have their classes getting 90+ averages in their subjects. If you’re doing any STEM subjects and you have shit teachers, you’re guaranteed to do poorly (even if you have a good tutor/tutors). High quality, and...
  12. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Difference between awards and EA

    Highly insensible to have copied this answer directly from a government website. You should try and put it in your own words to avoid direct plagiarism. Essentially awards are a general template for everyone in an industry and an agreement is a modified version of the award used by specific...
  13. ZakaryJayNicholls

    (subject selection) is it too much for workload?

    - english adv HARD - maths adv HARD - econ HARD - legal study (dropping) HARD - software eng LIKELY HARD - enterprise comp LIKELY HARD Hard subjects tend to require something in the order of ~1+ hour per day in order to do well, in general if you're aiming for band 5/6. If you wish to do well...
  14. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Howard Vectors Q

    Quickly skimming over this: We know that w is formed by starting at the origin then moving v, then moving from v and going to w: w = OV + VW The same logic works for s, we start at the origin and move to v, then we move from v to s: s = OV + VS Given that |OV| = L1*|VS| where L is some...
  15. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Maths Advanced Post Trial Help

    Given your story, your recent marks, and the little amount of time remaining, your chance of getting 70 or above is not high, but it doesn't mean you can't still improve. If your basics are bad YOU NEED TO FIX THEM FIRST, math is cumulative so if your basic are bad you'll be messing up...
  16. ZakaryJayNicholls

    School Prohibiting Subject

    The school is essentially allowed to do this, your brother/your parents can choose to try and challenge this decision if he really wants to enroll (and the challenge may be successful) but it's not a particularly strategic decision to make. He can always take something not dissimilar...
  17. ZakaryJayNicholls

    most content heavy hsc subjects?

    Overwhelmingly Physics.
  18. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Is it just me or the Perms & Combs in Cambridge textbook so hard?

    I've been using the Cambridge books for the past 4 years and I can assure you that the Cambridge books are definitely not the hardest, but they are really excellent. Hard tier books: Terry Lee [Advanced Mathematics/etc], Bob Aus & Bernie Fitzpatrick [New Senior - Fun Fact: Bob Aus was the head...
  19. ZakaryJayNicholls

    Can the school make rules for travelling to and from school

    In short, yes. Private and catholic school require your parents to sign and agree to their own enrollment documents, these documents can include requirements inside or outside of school and are at the discretion of each school. So, if the enrollment documents your parents signed includes a...
  20. ZakaryJayNicholls

    HSC 2023

    So standard math and standard English is a pretty bad combo. The fact that you've got bio and investigation is good, and business and SOR are pretty average. If you get 80/100 in every course you UAC ATAR estimate is about ~78, if you get 70/100 in every course you UAC ATAR falls to ~58. Given...