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  1. Survivor39

    josh groban

    I went to HMV and try and get "Closer" It was sold out! WTF. Not happy..... I really wants to get it cos if you know, after a while, your excitment wears off and I probably will be heading towards "don't feel like buying it and wasting my money". ARGH!
  2. Survivor39

    when do we get our pips back?

    You people are desparate for that letter aren't you? lol In order to get a letter, you have to get 30/30 first, then from those people who got 30/30, they put them all on the table with judges (teachers) and re-read them. They then pick out the best 30 PIPs and give them a HD. Them pick out...
  3. Survivor39

    what to do?

    But you can't choose Genetics at first year level. And plus most first year electives are crap anyway.
  4. Survivor39

    science degree

    if you major in microbiology, you are a science student even though your degree says you are an arts student! lol
  5. Survivor39


    But Laz, 04 ers is saying this standardisation is lowrring his RANKS, which shouldn't be happening if you are just manipulating everybody's marks.
  6. Survivor39

    What is the chance of my friend transferring to Pharmacy?

    My friend who is in my course desparately wanting to get into B Pharmacy for some reason. What is his chance if his UAI is 93.85 and a WAM around 75 (GPA around 5.25-5.5)? I do not know his STAT test result as he haven't taken it this year. He is in first year, wanting to transfer to first year...
  7. Survivor39

    what to do?

    To study B Psyc, you can't really do genetics as an interest because it is very strict. If you are interested in genetics, you should just do B Advanced Science or B Sci and you can do a bit of both. If you want to do med at postgrad level specialised in psychiatry, genetics would help you more...
  8. Survivor39

    science degree

    yeah, you are right. I guess you should work hard and try to get HD/Dn average to impress the employers. I guess that girl only got a Cr average, which is basically not good enough.
  9. Survivor39

    science degree

    hi my Easy 1) "infectious disease" major just means Pathology - the study of diseases, which is also offered in UNSW. Don't let all the names confuse you, some of them means the same thing. 2) Yes, in UNSW, the medicine faculty teache subjects in Medical Science such as anatomy...
  10. Survivor39

    Australian Idol 2004

    Amali's mum is Phillopino.
  11. Survivor39

    science degree

    hi babydoll, i think microbiology and immunology are amalgamated into one. so if you decided to major in immunology, you pick MICRXXXX subjects which is bascially majoring in microbiology. :)
  12. Survivor39

    Double degree eco/philosophy - biology

    In UNSW Just do a 3 year B science degree and major in Biology and History and Philosophy of Science/Philosophy Or do a 4 year B Science/B Arts
  13. Survivor39

    BIOS1201 and CHEMxxxx

    And RCMasterAA, chem1817 SHOULD get harder after week 10 :P coz once they get the intro stuff out of the way, they'll nail you with the complicsted theories. lol (like 1011, unless 1817 is only worth 3 uoc? they might be nicer)
  14. Survivor39

    BIOS1201 and CHEMxxxx

    I hate CHEM1021. And why are the chem staffs are mostly mean! They explain stuff very too plainly (in resource romm and comp lab). And i am scare of Anna Choy >.<
  15. Survivor39

    Australian Idol 2004

    I am glad Dan's gone actually. He voice is too average. Maybe all the 13 yo girls went to sleep after listen to his voice. lol I hope Courtney goes next.
  16. Survivor39

    BIOS1201 and CHEMxxxx

    hmmm. Genetics is UNSW is good. There's really not much difference between unis in undergraduate courses between unsw and USyd
  17. Survivor39

    science degree

    you choose 8 6 unit subjects a year. if you want to do 2 majors, you pick half half.