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  1. the_matrix

    Reliability and Validity, NEED HELP

    From looking at the question, I can point of a few points that ensure validity: - make sure the plants tested have same size/height/of the same species - make sure sunlight, humidity levels are the same for all trials - if watering plants, make sure same amounts of water are sprayed on every...
  2. the_matrix

    Student Research Project HELP

    Past tense: yes, although some teachers don't use past tense as it can take longer to write, but in exams past tense is a must. Essay prose: generally speaking, teachers prefer you to use essay prose in your exams but there is not rule saying that you can't use bullet points. As long as you...
  3. the_matrix

    Student Research Project HELP

    In addition to Maancis' reply, a clear and succinct risk assessment is best presented by using a table with the following headings: 1. Hazard (e.g. using dangerous chemical with strong odour) 2. Risk(s) associated (e.g. may cause respiratory issues) 3. Prevention/Alleviation (e.g. ensure there...
  4. the_matrix

    How important is neatness???

    I'm in a similar position to you, I get annoyed when I use cursive because my print is neat and has been commended many times :L As long as it is legible, then its fine. The way I see it, there is 40 minutes to: - adapt your essay to the exam question (assuming you've memorised a draft essay) -...
  5. the_matrix

    Common Misconceptions about ATAR/HSC Terms Thread

    So now it's not only our education system, the HSC, that is flaw but also our schools... I petition for an Australian Commission for Academic Integrity! B-)
  6. the_matrix

    How to learn 2U by self

    There's a textbook out there called Get Smart HSC 2 Unit Mathematics (or something along those lines) which is written by Margaret Grove. It's succinct and outlines every formula you will need in the preliminary and HSC course. It isn't the best for learning from scratch because that wasn't what...
  7. the_matrix

    What are your tutoring horror stories?

    Some guy didn't do homework and the tutor got so pissed off he punched the table in front of me and swore for 10 minutes. I got jump scared like crazy and have been sitting at the back row since that day... Does this count as an actual horror story? >.<
  8. the_matrix

    Need Help With Textbooks

    Conquering Chemistry is quite good, however like most textbooks they contain quite a bit of irrelevant information which you do not need. It comes in a smaller size than A4 so its quite handy for studying (if you're like me and don't like big and heavy books)
  9. the_matrix

    Burning Out

    Oh rightttt sorry I'm kind of an over cautious freak when it comes to health and safety...
  10. the_matrix

    Y11 Holiday Work.. How important??

    You will need to do a considerable amount of work to develop a good foundation knowledge in your subjects, which is important for your HSC year. However, do not overwork in the preliminary year - I overworked a basically flunked all the HSC Task 1 exams ._. The most important subject that you...
  11. the_matrix

    Burning Out

    This is good advice but it does not work for everyone. Don't use up all your recess and lunch breaks like that or you will definitely burn out. Considering that you take the bus/car, maybe listen to some music during your travel and don't think about work. Just relax! And please, try to...
  12. the_matrix

    ATAR Estimate

    notsureifsrs but if you are, then thank you for your honesty. More estimates please!
  13. the_matrix

    ATAR Estimate

    School rank: ~53 Chemistry: 56/91 English Standard: 5/58 IPT: 3/23 Mathematics 2U: 35/100 Mathematics Ext 1:40/72 Physics: 32/66 The subject ranks are all estimations based on school reports and exam results, as my school does not give out subject ranks. Thanks!
  14. the_matrix

    English Standard vs English Advanced

    LOL I hate to say it but yea 'dumb' would probably be the right description. Also note that people who do standard are generally lazier than their advance counterparts. The Standard course isn't that bad, its quite straight forward in fact - decent inference + decent analysis = boom good marks...
  15. the_matrix

    What subject should I do?

    Do something that might help you with your future career or tertiary studies or something you enjoy. I'll give you a brief run down of some 2 unit subjects that I do: Physics: The Y11 course is pretty plain but not so hard to comprehend. The Y12 course is interesting but quite hard to grasp...
  16. the_matrix


    Hi, I'm quite confused rn. I want to study Computer Science at UNSW next year but in case I don't make it in, I've been advised to study the Science degree at UNSW and take computer science units then do a transfer. 1. I thought that even though Computer Science is a science degree, it is...
  17. the_matrix

    Calculation questions in HSC exam?

    Hello, My teacher once said that I should know the formulae for calculating file size as a result of bit depth/colour representation/sampling rate of audio data/frame rates/etc (this goes under syllabus dot point "Demands placed on Hardware by Multimedia Systems"), but after looking through...
  18. the_matrix

    Simpson's & Trapezoidal Rule

    oh yes yes i can see where you're going! thanks :D
  19. the_matrix

    Simpson's & Trapezoidal Rule

    Hello! Could someone clarify to me what one sub-interval, interval, strips, etc (every other term you know) means in terms of number of function values for Simpson's and Trapezoidal rule? I know what application means for both rules so you don't have to waste time explaining that one as it...
  20. the_matrix

    Using related text twice?

    So my mid years are coming up and my cohort just got prescribed a related text which MUST be used in conjunction with The Shoe-horn Sonata for Distinctively Visual. My question is, if I get a good mark using this text, can I use it again for trials and HSC external exam? My teacher says I...