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  1. the_matrix

    [Integration] Trapezoidal Rule help!

    Hello, I just started HSC integration and I'm a bit confused. Q: Use one application of the trapezoidal rule to approximate: ∫1/x dx, where b (upper limit) = 4 and a (Lower limit) = 2 A: 3/4 (as per textbook) From my current understanding, I thought the number to function values...
  2. the_matrix

    General maths or no maths at all?

    Me too! but just keep persevering! The majority of 2U is basically memorizing your content and applying them, with some significantly harder questions throughout the paper. There's quite a bit of formulae to remember in trigonometry and linear functions (previously coordinate geometry) but in...
  3. the_matrix

    General maths or no maths at all?

    My teacher says that most if not all math-related university degrees (engineering, built environment, science, commerce/business, IT, med) require a minimum of 2U maths. He's got a degree and 2 masters in case you're wondering. 2U isn't that difficult to understand, and it becomes quite...
  4. the_matrix

    Maths/University/Software Engineer dilemma

    I aspire to study software engineering as well and I really want to drop 3U (I'm scientifically minded by not in the field of Mathematics lol), but I'm not going to because I know I'll need it in uni. Just keep persisting (study, revise, practise) and you'll be fine in 2U. I quote my teacher's...
  5. the_matrix

    Year 10 Subject Selection

    Most engineering courses have Physics as assumed knowledge, so definitely study it! The maths in Physics can be quite tedious at times but honestly, the concepts in this subject are quite logical.
  6. the_matrix

    English Standard or Advanced?

    kind of delayed but; DON'T DO STANDARD!! I go to a decent selective school and in the English Standard stream, the mid year results were: - ZERO As - 6 Bs - ~40 Cs etc Two of the people who received Bs were people who I knew were very capable to doing Advanced English - they have also...
  7. the_matrix

    Awkward tutoring situation!?

    You know what's even more awkward... I went to this tutoring centre for a few years and left, then I came back at the beginning of this year and have just left AGAIN for the second time, and if that's not embarrassing enough; they're not willing to refund for change of heart so there's kind of a...
  8. the_matrix


    Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right thread but here's my dilemma: I want to pursue a career in the computing/IT industry and thus really want to study Software Engineering at UNSW. However i am reevaluating that decision because my 3U maths results are mediocre (~70%) and I am really...
  9. the_matrix

    Hi, are you still offering private tutoring for 3U maths? If so, is Bankstown area reasonable...

    Hi, are you still offering private tutoring for 3U maths? If so, is Bankstown area reasonable? I'm looking to cope with the subject as I am struggling a bit. What are your rates? Please PM for more details!
  10. the_matrix

    Absolute Values MX1

    Hello! So I have this horrible maths teacher who thinks everyone goes to superior tuition centres and teaches absolute values in an extremely broad way. I understand the basics of abs like |-x| = x but could anyone give me notes on how to solve absolute equations both algebraically and...
  11. the_matrix

    Maths in Software Engineering

    Hi! I'm currently doing 3U maths in year 11 and I was just curious about what maths is like in university software engineering. Is it as hard as the electrical/civil/aeronautical/etc maths or significantly easier? How about when compared to Computer Science maths? What topics in maths should...
  12. the_matrix

    How to memorise exact values for trig?

    yea this is a method that i used to use until my school banned it LOL use these triangles: and you should srsly start memorising them bc in year 11, you have to remember trig identities too which is quite confusing at first unless you use analogies to remember them like i do lol
  13. the_matrix

    Year 10 History Assignment (changing so rights and freedoms of the aboriginal people)

    Re: Year 10 History Assignment (changing so rights and freedoms of the aboriginal peo Basically, Assimilation policy: Aboriginal people were encouraged to give up their traditional lifestyle and adapt the white people culture instead Integration policy (1965): Asiimilation policy abolished...
  14. the_matrix

    I don't know what subject to drop. SERIOUS

    Physics has the best scaling out of the three if you perform well. Ancient History will have quite a heavy workload because it's essentially another 2 units of English (essays, extended responses, etc) except it's about history. But if you love Ancient (like me), I suggest keeping it because...
  15. the_matrix

    Writing Notes vs Dot Point

    If you're using a school laptop, do not use OneNote. It lags sooooo much and once it's corrupted, there's no way of retrieving it. Just have a separate word doc for each subject. I suggest having the dot point in bold and then transferring the relevant school notes into bullet point form to...
  16. the_matrix

    People finding Yr 11 hard already!?

    rly? my school is like 200% on day one LOL 55 exercises for MX1 in the first 2 weeks - that's equivalent to ~5 weeks of 2U homework gg D;
  17. the_matrix

    Year 10 Science Research Project Ideas?

    alright alright ~90% darkness? maybe. But do keep in mind that different colours have different luminosity levels and the type of ink affected it too. i.e. laser printer vs inkjet, laser wins! (due to higher luminosity - hard to explain and I'm not going into IST terms like my teacher did..)
  18. the_matrix

    Year 10 Science Research Project Ideas?

    I tested how different types of colours had different visibility levels in complete darkness, and how the eyes adjusted to the darkness.
  19. the_matrix

    Need advice for doing biology or physics

    This. Teacher quality is paramount! As for physics, it's alright.. I expected it to be more fun but I guess I was wrong (maybe the topic I'm doing has an effect on that). And the maths is a mix of 2unit and general.. For the lonely part, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! I'm the only...
  20. the_matrix

    Anyone go tutoring?

    imo tutoring is srsly helpful - especially for ppl with a slower learning rate (like me lol) - i dont go tutoring for science so i cant comment on that (science is one of my natural subjects anyway XD) - english: it should help for most ppl provided that you practise, but i used to be lazy -...