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  1. the_matrix

    study notes worth the time?

    I keep asking myself this question every time I make notes, and my answer is still; idk. Sometimes my notes are really helpful (my IPT notes always gets me 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in the whole cohort) and sometimes they're not (e.g. chem and physics) In general, notes should be SUCCINCT because...
  2. the_matrix

    School emphasizes "Scaling Myths"

    If scaling 'isn't really a thing' then why would so many students take subjects like 4 Unit maths when they can do General Maths and get a really high mark and ATAR? Of course it's a thing. It might be a bit difficult to obtain 90+ atar with your subjects but it's not that hard, just work...
  3. the_matrix

    What should I do?

    Chemistry becomes somewhat content heavy in Y12 but Physics is pretty much the same. Biology becomes a lot more interesting from what I've gathered.
  4. the_matrix

    Related texts for distinctively visual

    Hi, I personally recommend 'The Napalm Girl'. Its an image about the ramifications of war which can be related to The Shoe-Horn Sonata as both texts are 'visual' in many ways. I used this image in my essay and received a very good response for it! Image...
  5. the_matrix

    Ngo & Sons

    They don't explicitly say what type of senior maths they teach in their junior grades but yes, they do something like that. I learnt circle geometry in year 8 and some polynomials in year 9. Ngos and Sons have 3 campuses: 1. Ngos and Sons (main campus - Fairfield) 2. DA College (2nd campus -...
  6. the_matrix

    Is it possible to succeed in Chemistry with only General Maths? (Year 11)

    Yes. There aren't many complex calculations in chem
  7. the_matrix

    Exam Time Notes

    I usually write down whatever is taught in class in my exercise book, then when I go home I jot down important details in a word doc which is basically my exam notes
  8. the_matrix

    Links to good preliminary biology (syllabus) notes?

    Try this: I used to use rly good study notes but then the user stop posting. About 8 months later, I found the link above and the resources are pretty damn good...
  9. the_matrix

    USyd BCST vs UTS BScIT

    Hello I want to study computer science at UNSW but in case I don't make it in, which one of USyd's Bachelor of Computer Science & Technology and UTS's Bachelor of Science in Information Technology should I choose? Which one would be easier to transfer to unsw and which one has similar subjects...
  10. the_matrix

    Will my year 12 subjects make me eligable for a 95 ATAR?

    You can get any ATAR with any combo of subjects - consistency is the key! I do chemistry and i can tell you it becomes quite content heavy in the HSC course, especially if your teacher likes to dump everything at you... Economics is also pretty challenging from what I've gathered
  11. the_matrix

    2U questions

    How do I do these questions My friend figured how to do the first question with circle geometry but my teacher doesn't permit that
  12. the_matrix

    Discovery poem help!

    Hello, I'm struggling with analysing 'Mid term break' by Seamus Heaney for AOS Discovery. My prescribed text is Life of Pi and my teacher recommended me to analyse a poem. Could anyone please help me with analysing the elements of discovery in this text? I need to submit an essay in a week's...
  13. the_matrix

    Avdice: I hate bio

    most med courses have bio as assumed knowledge...
  14. the_matrix

    Study Periods

    i'm doing maths ext too yeeeey! um ok in regards to free periods, i had none of them during prelims. During HSC, i am currently doing 11 units and have 3 study periods in 2 weeks with no period 0 or after school periods woahhhh how do you even cope O.o James Ruse? XD
  15. the_matrix

    Prelim Chem Thread

    Isn't Guy Lussac's law year 12 content? or is this like the temporary HSC thread as well? :/ According to my chem teacher who is a HSC marker, you get a mark for just reciting his law in your response lol
  16. the_matrix

    Year 11 - A bit nervous, a few questions.

    Do teachers often rush through the syllabus because of the 3 terms? Yes one teacher made me do 1/3 of the last topic during the school holidays Is there more competition, do people just suddenly drop ranks or gain ranks? yes actually - you'll find that for most people breezing through junior...
  17. the_matrix

    Any Tips for current year 11

    1) pretty big change imo - you have to be responsible for your own learning and theres a lot more self study to do (i.e. not just usual school homework) 2) depends on how you work - if you're an efficient worker then you'll have more time for studying & relaxation. It's advised that you...
  18. the_matrix

    Changing HSC course

    Hello, I've realised that I have lost my passion for physics.. And I want to study Ancient History instead 1/ Is this detrimental to my HSC considering that It is 1 term into the HSC already 2/ How much HSC Ancient History content have I missed and is the Preliminary Course contents...
  19. the_matrix

    Going overseas at the start of year 11

    Usually the first week is just extensive Y10 revision, nothing much at all. If you go to my school, well when you come back there'll be a whole load of administration stuff that'll give you a hugeee headache but that's all HAHA Enjoy your vacation! :)
  20. the_matrix

    [Integration] Trapezoidal Rule help!

    Omg I am the epitome of a true noob ._. Thank you very much for your help!