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  1. 44Ronin

    Israel deliberately attacked UN compounds

    Arabs weren't nationalised in those times
  2. 44Ronin

    Israel deliberately attacked UN compounds

    Bwhahaahaha. The view of the middle class generally is far too ambivalent to take a side. Most people are ignorant of the issue to even be aware, let alone take a stance of one of the world's most polarising issues. Even if the majority of people were generally aware, I think it's an issue of...
  3. 44Ronin

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

  4. 44Ronin

    Israel deliberately attacked UN compounds

    I don't care about the issue. I am suggesting that people in real authority should care (thus example of Erdogan), not middle class brats who heckle people. geddit?
  5. 44Ronin

    Israel deliberately attacked UN compounds

    Amateurs should fuck off. I.e S.A, naive uni students. Or at the bare minimum move their fucking tables out of the fucking way for some basic public respect.
  6. 44Ronin

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    hahaha if the wireless is so good, then why do I have to walk to wentworth to use it? Because I commute through wentworth to get to redfern station, or the co-op, or the printing service - and I have eyes! and I happened to see them hapilly enjoying their donut king capitalism. Grow up. I...
  7. 44Ronin

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    I'm sorry, I don't have time to be hanging out at donut king with Patrick. Wentworth is shit as a study area. It's loud smelly and the building is as grubby as underneath your mothers toenails I actually use wireless on the camperdown campus, where fisher library is, which is what we were...
  8. 44Ronin

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    and don't forget the FREE LOCKERS. usyd wireless is pathetic at best, and non-functional at worst. Bad signal and Cisco VPN is what kills it. You can also hang out in Mitchell Library if you are doing Australian history. It's a bit of a PITA to get there though......I get off at Wynyard and...
  9. 44Ronin

    Israel deliberately attacked UN compounds

    and what the hell is that? Being the pretext for wars and embargoes? :rolleyes: uh-PAH LEES!
  10. 44Ronin

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    True! Request slips rock :headbang:
  11. 44Ronin

    Israel deliberately attacked UN compounds

    I'm of Turkish descent, so I'd like to think I understand what I am talking about. The implication was that the Palestinians sold out the Turks and partially, self inflicted the jewish immigration by supporting the poor leadership of the british empire. Recently Erdogan slammed Peres at the...
  12. 44Ronin

    Two teenage boys stabbed near Parramatta Railway Station

    They brawled and got stabbed. You would never of had thunk it! My sympathy is equal to zero
  13. 44Ronin

    Israel deliberately attacked UN compounds

    lol #1. UN is a lame duck and rather useless TBQH. #2. Contrary to popular scumunist belief, this conflict didn't occur overnight - Israel didn't just decide to make this situation. 2.a The Palestinians of old sold out the Turks to the British 2.b The British of old sold out the...
  14. 44Ronin

    Ancient History Majors?

    Yep, that's the one.
  15. 44Ronin

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    The USU C&S is happy to give money to scumunists protesting war in absurdistan, but not a society that promotes the mental well-being of males? On what fucking leftist pinko ratbag basis? Maybe those complete fuckfaces should get down from their ivory tower and realise that men's organisations...
  16. 44Ronin

    Should all citizens have equal voting power?

    Also sounds like Cuba The Cuban Communist Party controls who can run for elections. Candidates' names and qualifications are posted for the public to see,but they are not allowed to actively campaign.The Cuban Government says that this is to avoid encouraging "demagoguery and false...
  17. 44Ronin

    Ancient History Majors?

    I'm doing both Historiography and Ancient Imperialism. Alistair is good but I reckon he needs to stay closer to source material. Too much time spent in regression. I enjoy Ben Brown's Historiography the most. He is really excellent. He is truly captivating. Jonathan is a really great tutor...
  18. 44Ronin

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Fuck microsoft usyd ICT demonstrate time and time again that they are useless mouths
  19. 44Ronin

    Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its military.

    Re: Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its militar You'll be crying out once placed in concentration camp
  20. 44Ronin

    What you hate about usyd

    usyd needs a venue to compete with roundhouse :(