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  1. E

    How was your enrolment day?

    Many Sydney degrees offer huge amounts of choice and electivity, but this creates a very complicated set of rules to program into an online enrolment system for new students. The university is currently investing heavily on a new student admin system that will replace the current old one...
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    UAC enrolment letter

    Most students forget to bring the offer slip. The uni knows that "john Smith" has an offer for a certain degree, and you could just say "I am john smith, I have an offer for degree x, I forgot my slip, but here is my ID". A print out of a PDF from uac etc would also be ok.
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    trivial question

    That will be sufficient. Some more formal id like a drivers licence or anything else with your name on it would be good.
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    Which engineering degree should I choose?

    Research the fields. is a good place to start.
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    How was your enrolment day?

    The process was designed to be 1: collect form from desk in the foyer 2: go to room 1 to fill in form and check your details are correct 3: room two for unit of study choice - see advisor relevant to your field of engineering 4: data entry room to have subjects entered into computer 5...
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    How was your enrolment day?

    What degree were you enrolling in, and in particular what steps in the process did you think needed improvement.
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    Usyd flexible first year and civil

    Read the flexible first year rules to confirm this. Any FFY student has guaranteed progression into civil, mech, chem and some others. If you had the original ATAR for the stream in question, you a n move to that stream. Eh if your ATAR was 96 and you did FFY you could move to biomed, but...
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    Enrolling and withdrawing

    You contact the faculty concerned and say "I wish to discontinue from my degree". There might be a form required.
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    Question about subjects

    The science and or chemistry website will give guidance on the type of assumed knowledge background that might help a student decide which unit might be best for them. The university offers these alternatives to offer academic challenge to students of different backgrounds, and provide...
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    Electrical engineering enrolment

    Most students do a fixed enrolment menu - the cusp menu you have quoted. However, your academic advisor will discuss with you your background assumed knowledge in maths and physics, and may make changes to either advance or remedial alternatives as the case may be.
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    Combined Engineering program Question

    You are currently enrolled in a combined BE/BSc. You cannot graduate from this degree until you fulfilled the requirements of the combined degree, which is doing both the required engineering and science units. When you finish you graduate from both degrees at the same time at the same...
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    Late and final round offers, and vacancies - advice to students

    It depends what your ATAR is. Consider the scenario, student 1 has ATAR of 95 , student 2 has ATAR 90.5 For main round both had the same prefs Pref 1 cut off: 90 Pref 2 cut off: 91 Both get pref 1, but both decide they really wanted pref 2, so they change their prefs to the second degree...
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    Math 1011 or 1001?

    Discuss this issue with the friendly flexible first year advisor when you enrol next week. Math1001 is listed as the core (compulsory) unit for engineering, not math1011. You may give the alternative on his approval. Remember that the assumed knowledge for engineering is extension 1 maths, so...
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    Late and final round offers, and vacancies - advice to students

    Always accept your first round offer, even if it is not what you want. You can always drop it later without financial penalty. You will only get a second round offer if there is a spot available in a preference higher than the one you got in main round (unless you change your preferences). You...
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    Qusetion about Advanced Engineering & Flexible First Year

    All students do math1001 and math1002. If you are doing the advanced maths major in science, you replace these with math1901 and math1902 in Sem 1. This still leaves you with one subject to fill in Sem 1,which would be another science subject (eh physics etc ) that you are going to count...
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    Qusetion about Advanced Engineering & Flexible First Year

    "Advanced engineering" is a series of interdisciplinary subjects (1 each year) which focus on leadership, teamwork, business * entrepreneurial skills. It is not a set of "harder" subjects. Read more at You can do it...
  17. E

    Transfers consider half WAM and half ATAR?

    In most cases USyd will use the greater of (atar equivalent obtained from your most recent uni GPA) or the average of (atar equivalent obtained from your most recent uni GPA) and (your school atar). Hence if the GPA atar equivalent is even 1% higher than your school atar, then the school...
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    Single->Double degree. Possible?

    You can do BE/BCom with the BE being in Aeronautical Space, MEchanical Space or MEchatronic Space. You need both the ATAR for the combined BE/BCom and the specific engineering stream ATAR. You could make this change now if you want to change prefs. There is no concrete answer that can be...
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    Single->Double degree. Possible?

    Yes. But you would need to apply via uac. Presumably you applied for a combined degree this year, and didn't get an offer because your ATAR was lower? If so, you need to get good marks in first year uni, as your ATAR equivalent next year would be influenced by your uni marks.