Search results

  1. E

    Does anyone know what mark you would need to internal transfer to b.commerce??

    I beieve you would have to re-apply through UAC to go from BEc, to BCom - double check with the faculty office. If that is then the case, your summer school results would have zero impact, because the results are not known till well after the UAC selection process takes place. I strongly...
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    I am confused about this prhase of the late policy please HELP.

    Re: Question about submitting an major assignment late. No you would lose a total of 30% of the full marks associated with the assignment, that way every student is penalised the same amount. Example - Perfect (10/10) assignment received one day late would get 9/10. Example - Poor assignment...
  3. E

    Does anyone know what mark you would need to internal transfer to b.commerce??

    What do you mean by "internal transfer"? What is your current degree? For most change of degrees, at least if you are moving from one faculty to another, you generally have to reapply to UAC. Best check with the Business faculty office. You will probably be judged based on some type of...
  4. E

    Login to UniSyd wifi,how?
  5. E

    USYD Strike

    that reads to me that labs would not run. It does not make any comment on whether lectures are on or not.
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    USYD Strike

    Under the Fair Work Act 2009, only staff who are members of the NTEU or CPSU and who would be covered by the proposed enterprise agreement are able to take ‘protected’ (i.e. lawful) industrial action. If your lecturer is not in the union, he/she should be working as normal; and members of the...
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    USYD Strike

    Message from the Vice-Chancellor: Intellectual Freedom 21 February 2013 I am writing to let you know that, as I shared with Academic Board this afternoon, I have decided to recommend to the Human Resources Committee of Senate that we amend the University's draft Enterprise Agreement in...
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    Maths1001 or Maths1011 for Engineering?

    For full MATH1001 (and the other 100x units) is core for engineering. In engineering, MATH1011 is only permitted as an exception for students who did not even do 2U maths in the HSC (ie they only did 2U general). Students in such a situation should really think seriously if they should be...
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    GPA required to transfer

    I would suggest you ask the admissions department within the student centre of USYD a very direct question "If I have an ATAR of XXX, what GPA from one year of tertiary study would have got me into degree YYYY this year"...
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    Timetable problems

    Suggest you look at a map to see the exact locations of the buildings concerned.
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    Lecture notes

    Every lecturer is different Some will specify a text book Some use power points, and may or may not upload them for you Some will give handouts in the lecture Some will expect you to copy the blackboard.
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    Question regarding Blackboard/LMS

    It is rare for any units to be live and available to students until day 1 of lectures. When a staff member produces a site the default student access start date is day 1 of the semester.
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    In the first week, establish from what the lecturers say in class whether or not you bring print outs of slides that they have loaded on websites in advance, or text books, or readers etc. write your name on any text books or lecture notes you buy Do not buy textbooks (even if the subject...
  14. E

    ★★Do I really have to buy recommended text books? ★★

    In the first week, establish from what the lecturers say in class whether or not you bring print outs of slides that they have loaded on websites in advance, or text books, or readers etc. write your name on any text books or lecture notes you buy Do not buy textbooks (even if the subject...
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    Late and Final Round Offers

    Remember what is usually published is the cut off, which is the ATAR of the lowest person offered a spot. It does not necessarily mean that a person with a lower cut off would not have got an offer if he/she had applied. If only one person got an offer in the second round last year, and his...
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    Flexible first year question

    The rules of FFY at USyd are at You are guaranteed transfer into Civil. For other courses, you eiother need the ATAR or first year WAM. As a guide, a first year WAM of 65 represents about the top 50% of students in...
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    Late and Final Round Offers

    What I mean by "if they make the standard"' is that it would be extremely unlikely the mark would go down (I have never seen this happen)
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    Late and Final Round Offers

    Courses without a listed vacancy still have the potential to make an offer. If you change preferences, change pretences to what you want to do. If they do end up making offers, you don't want to miss out.
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    When to transfer from B Liberal Arts and Science to B Engineering????

    To get into BE, you would need to reapply to UAC for entry to start /sem 1 2014
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    Is it ok to go to the enrolment session having not decided with UoS you are doing?

    Re: Is it ok to go to the enrolment session having not decided with UoS you are doing You obviously have to choose eventually (by 5 March)! Enrolment time is busy, so please do not unecessarily use up advisor time if you are umming and ahhing. Please take some time in advance to consider your...