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  1. melsc

    To be or not to be? (Law students come in!)

  2. melsc

    Registering in classes

    Its always midnight, they take the whole "official" start of the day seriously. Personally I think the servers would crash less if they were open at 9am
  3. melsc

    "Recession" and University applications

    I doubt it effects you guys much, theres always so reason for particular course to be in demand and such and its not like cutoffs changed much last year during the recession etc so don't worry too much, feel bad for those of us who are applying for graduate positions this year.
  4. melsc

    :D Who LOVES their course?

    1. Arts/ Law - 5th year 2. We're in a love-hate relationship, love it gets me where I want to be professionally, love it because it can be interesting, love mooting, hate how many cores I have to do.
  5. melsc

    Bonus points for Eco/Law

    Ditto, when I applied there was no bonus schemes for relevant subjects etc but looks like you're in with a good chance, going by past experience 90ish is usually the cutoff (it was 85 in 06 but has since been 90ish)
  6. melsc

    UAC media release???

    I think someone posted in another thread that the deadline for that passed. Check the UAC site
  7. melsc

    UAC media release???

    Its your last name, initial and course code (UAC course code) and then they have a list of the course codes at the front of the paper, so yes, people can see what uni and course it is
  8. melsc

    Sony VAIO CW Series or MacBook Pro??

    I have had two Sony Vaio's and I've loved them. I think the macs are over priced for their specs. Also if you're not familiar with macs thats something to consider, and the types of programs you intend to run.
  9. melsc

    Need to lose 20kg :( HELP!

    You'd sweat off heaps of water, as soon as you drink that 'weight' will come back on
  10. melsc

    Need to lose 20kg :( HELP!

    eat 5-6 small meals at regular times. You're body will start to expect it and you will feel hungry. Google information about low-gi eating, its a great way to be healthy and lose weight and include some regular exercise in your day. I'd do it yourself, those programs while helpful provide...
  11. melsc

    Butter or Margarine?

    Prefer butter but have margarine at home and only butter when out. Actually we have that cholesterol lowering stuff, its not too bad
  12. melsc

    First Year Law at UWS

    I think these days it seems more student are getting early offers. In 2005/2006 I was told I was guaranteed a place if UWS was my first preference as they were giving me a 1 year scholarship but it wasn't in the early rounds. I think these days UWS is giving early offers to those that qualify...
  13. melsc

    Official UWS Student List 2010

    I don't think so but I went through the MQ process as well, each uni's have their own requirements. I'd sort it out as early as you can because you need to get transcripts certified and all of that bleh.
  14. melsc

    law transfer for macquarie university

    It depends on what you want out of it. I'd look into things like the elective choice at MQ (the mq site is down at the moment, click on the handbook link and then L and you will see the law units, the law society MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY LAW SOCIETY etc and see if they look better to you or suit...
  15. melsc

    Might sound like a dumb question??

    Uni text boooks aren't written for specific courses (i.e. a criminal law textbook wont be specific to MQ's criminal law course). Academics pick the most relevant book to the course and you go by that. They set readings and you do them but its all about independent learning and thought, you will...
  16. melsc

    when are we meant to make our uni timetables

    Again, depends on the uni. MQ everyone logs on, on the same date and picks BOTH semesters tutes. At UWS they stagger the dates by faculty and you only pick semester 1 and semester 2 is later in the year. As you can see the uni and the course differs greatly for this.
  17. melsc


    Depends on the uni/course
  18. melsc


    If you want company take a friend, it can get a bit boring. I have seen so many people bring their mum or dad and their their parents do everything for them. If parents insist on comming tell them that your a big boy/girl now and its your responsibility.
  19. melsc

    UNSW vs UWS Law

    This would be much more productive. When I was there there were 'seminars' rather than lecture/tute format. A seminar was a slightly bigger tute but I prefered that to lecture tute.
  20. melsc

    Official UWS Student List 2010

    Autumn Semester only at Campbelltown for one law unit