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  1. russs

    Tuberculosis: A new pandemic?

    It's already in India I beleive.
  2. russs

    Tuberculosis: A new pandemic?

    Pretty disturbing. From here:
  3. russs

    Should Australia be a Republic?

    If it ain't broke don't fix it? :rolleyes:
  4. russs

    Conservative muslims take over Somalia

    Sounds like you would enjoy Islam to take over the world. We're talking about a religion here where the male is free to phuck/marry a female of any religion as he pleases, while a female muslim is for a muslim male only. Islam has no place in a Western society. Thats all there is to it.
  5. russs

    Father demanding child support paid back by mother after child revealed not his...?

    Re: Father demanding child support paid back by mother after child revealed not his.. The guy should get his money back, with interest. The single mom can whore herself out, do whatever to repay the money she stole from a hardworking individual. Those support groups whinging about kids being...
  6. russs

    Training at home vs. Gym

    Training at home < Training at the gym Somehow, the athmosphere just works :)
  7. russs

    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    I'm sick of hearing: "Obama bridges racial gap." "First African-American President: Time for a change." This is a double-standard to the extreme. I am getting the feeling that he won ONLY because he is black (and maybe because McCain had the baggage of Bush following him).
  8. russs

    German teacher strips in front of students at party

    awesome :) our school did have one teacher that use to turn up at student parties tho... young hot gal... was kinda weird tho :S
  9. russs

    Political standings of Uni students.

    I'm a right wing nutcase. :uhhuh: Yeah. Well, I support nuclear power, export of uranium, oil production and use, car use, economic growth at all costs, tight immigration policies for some minorities and gun ownership. I'm all for women staying at home and taking care of the family/kids (as...
  10. russs

    What ISP you on ?

    TID ~ $100 a month Probably the highest quality ADSL you can get.
  11. russs

    is there a way you can fix a RAM slot?

    Open a window, throw out your PC and buy a new one for $500.
  12. russs

    MQ: "Easy to get in, hard to get out" ??

    I think MATH135 has a very high failure and dropout rate.
  13. russs

    Russia 'goes to war' with Georgia

    Because some people will always want it all. Capitalism applies to human nature.. greed... and the need for power and superiority. Competition drives progress. The two left-wing and right-wing extremes will both inevitably fail. You just need to find a point in the middle and keep balancing on it.
  14. russs

    Russia 'goes to war' with Georgia

    Communism and Socialism will never work, no matter how hard you try. Also a lot of people seem to be unaware that Russia is no longer a red-flag waving nation ...
  15. russs

    favourite cars

    Really want one of these.
  16. russs

    Russia 'goes to war' with Georgia

    Georgia / Russia I know there is already a Georgia / Russia thread, but still: Its a disgrace the way the media turned Russia into the aggressor in Western Nations.
  17. russs

    Your Fitness Routine

    This is my current schedule. I've been at it for a few years, in the gym for 6 months. I could in theory go heavier on the squats ... but then I would not be able to complete anything else. Walking upstairs is a challenge after training legs, I don't want to be a cripple for days after training...
  18. russs

    Your Fitness Routine

    Mon: ------- Squat Work up to 3x8 Box Squat Work up to 3x3 Leg Press 3x8 Leg Exts 3x8 Glute-Ham Raise 3x8 Calf Raises 3x8 Front Squats ATG 3x8 Wed: -------- Bench Work up to 1x3 Pinch DB Press 3x6-8 Kroc Row (High-Rep One Arm DB Rows) 1x20, 1x10 Overhead-Press 3x6 Curl 3x8 Overhead-DB Press...
  19. russs

    Help with my fitness routine - getting too bulky.

    As NinjaSauce said before, unless you are doing some major compound movements / and on the gear it is highly doubtful you can put on so much muscle mass. Unless you are a female that produces testostorone in monster quantities (haven't seen this before). 6kg of muscle mass will also cause a...
  20. russs

    Sports & Aquatic Centre membership

    The gym itself is pretty good. There are a few issues, such as only one power rack and it sometimes get hogged with people doing curls and bent over rows.