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  1. russs


    Well I'm doing Information Technology. The maths test this week was actually bascially the 1st assignment, but had to be done in 50 minutes.
  2. russs


    Hey, Is anybody doing this unit and finding it extremely hard? I have yet to meet a person who actually has a clue on wots happening in that course. :angry: I spend 90% of my time studying devoted to this subject and I still barely get anything. Your opinions? Cheers,
  3. russs

    First Car - $5k

    Just get any box on wheels that has a good reliability record. So: Camry / Corolla / Hilux ;) Manual preferred (less stuff to break). 4 Cyl preferred (less stuff to break + cheaper on petrol). Get a diesel if you find one that works. :D :uhhuh:
  4. russs

    Who joined TWC (The WANG Club)??

    I did :D When is the next BBQ?
  5. russs

    race, genetics and intelligence

    Just for the record: I had my IQ tested in Year 5 in Australia using a pattern recognition test... which was designed for people who DO NOT SPEAK ENGLISH. To this date, the results of that test are fairly accurate when I take IQ tests designed for average English-speaking people, with results...
  6. russs

    Bus Fell Through Did anyone see this? :o
  7. russs

    ISYS 123 semester 1

    Heheh that guy is actually pretty funny.... the lectures are actually non-boring. Were you there when he teased a student that failed and repeated the course? :wave:
  8. russs

    First thoughts of uni

    I think the uni is pretty good. The good: The gym is EXCELLENT - I think this is the best gym deal I've ever seen. Pools, Gymasium , Courts etc... for just $150/5 Months? I'l be there 3 times a week minimum. Library seems pretty decent, atleast for the courses I am doing. COMP115, ISYS123...
  9. russs

    Cars over 250k

    I suppose Stalin? :lol: Serz, why do you have soviet propaganda in your sig? Anyway, I'd buy a Maserati :D
  10. russs

    New Bigpond Cable Plans

    Bigpond cable is dodgy to the max :rolleyes: Nothing but dropouts. If you want decent broadband, go TID. :uhhuh:
  11. russs

    making webpages with "forms"

    You can set this up on your computer aswell. You need this: And this: :uhhuh:
  12. russs

    making webpages with "forms"

    Parsing forms on client-side is not practical. You need a server-side language, be it PHP, ASP, JSP or a straight CGI Application. Cheers :)
  13. russs

    Official Apology Thread

    Re: They're after our $$$ already! Hope labor screws itself over so much with this, we won't see them in power next term. Even the most die-hard hold-your-hands-together hippies should see by now why Howard was not there to support this crap.
  14. russs

    Official Apology Thread

    Re: "Stolen Generation" Appology- A different view I immigrated to Australia in 1998 from Russia, and as part of my history by grandparents suffered during World War II from Nazi Germany invasion. I am not asking for a compensasion for the past. After my personal experiences of racism from...
  15. russs

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    Hell Asylum Batman Robin (the first 10 minutes I watched)
  16. russs

    ab exercises

    Squats / Deadlifts + Diet (if you are overweight) / Quality Food (if you are an ecto) Fatasses doing 1000's of crunches are wasting their time.... really :uhhuh: Althrough sometimes you see freaks with huge abs / no back ... looks hilarious :lol:
  17. russs


    Yeh, the form asked specifically if you hold a job. The photocopy idea is good, but I just remembered one of my student mates landed in shit when he brought a student ticket without a concession on him (ticket dispenser) and the cops were standing checking tickets after entry... Just one bad...
  18. russs


    Hi, Tried to apply for concession after enrolling, but it seems that if you hold a job you are not eligible, even if you are a full-time student... that means $40+ a week jus on damn train tickets for trains that don't run on time and have vials scattered under seats. The question is: if your...
  19. russs

    Learning to drive a manual

    Depending on the car you are trying to drive. A recent (less than 10-year-old) car in good condition with a good clutch, you are good in a few days. An older car (esp. with a small engine/bad synchros), it may take months and months to become accustomed.
  20. russs

    What Cars does everyone drive??

    That driver simply wasn't aware of his vehicle's limitations... maybe he borrowed the car or something, because after driving a certain car for a while you tend to get use to braking distance and those sort of things. Tailgating is simply a bad practice, but a lot of people get away with it...