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    James Ruse?

    Well, if everyone in your school does well in the HSC you get pushed up?
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    Conspiracy against small feet?

    no I dont go to school cus I have exams
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    James Ruse?

    A lot of plp in my school dont even get an ATAR, thats how dumb our school is, so if the lowest ATAR is 90 in Ruse, thats very good still
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    How do you avoid looking like you're FOB?

    I'm asian, and I'm black...
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    Conspiracy against small feet?

    Why are you on bored of studies, don't you have school?
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    Screw up? Is it possible to appeal?

    Oh. I didn't know -_- i thought it'd be in the usual format! DAMNIT.
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    Screw up? Is it possible to appeal?

    Hi i just screwed up an assessment, by in the exam I missed a question which was worth a lot of marks. I didn't know that the question was there. Is it possible to appeal? Thanks
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    Conspiracy against small feet?

    @ maplestory Do you have nothing better to do than go around correcting mismeanings, grammer, spelling and such?
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    Wish List Thread

    I wish there was snow.
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    Conspiracy against small feet?

    Now don't get offended. I never included you in the list of people with small feet, but if you wish to be included...
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    What if you fail in one subject and do well in others... but do 10 units

    Our school bloody had an economics assessment worth like 30% internal - and I failed that. I do more than 10 units, I did Physics but dropped it because of subject clash, I dropped German (also becaus eof subject clash) and I'm not doing too well in 3U maths atm or Ext Hist (I havent' even...
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    Conspiracy against small feet?

    lol, my problem is opposite to small feet. I have flat feet (broad on sides) its really hard to find good sports shoes unless they're designed for flat feet (I'm not really flat, but I find it more comfortable). Why is everyone feet so small? Are you all Asian?
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    Karate Kid 2010

    I like the original one and Wax on wax off xD I reckon they should remake Citizen Kane and Lolita though, but PROPERLY. Karate kid should also be remade, but it should of been done in Japan - with Japanese actors who are skilled in karate and what not. Also a black boy in China learning...
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    What if you fail in one subject and do well in others... but do 10 units

    What if you fail in one subject and do well in others... but only do 10 units Say if you do terribly badly in Economics, but its part of your 10 units. What is the best possible ATAR you can get (assuming its below average in Eco) whilst everything else is above average/quite good and one/two...
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    Conspiracy against small feet?

    Its possible to have feet that small (men size 2)? *Faints* Umm, maybe try internet?
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    julio-claudian syllabus

    True: development of the imperial cult throughout the empire is difficult. I don't have any notes on that either... The other one I ofund hard was the changing image
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    Any reccomendations for a good-all purpose jacket?

    Yes, but only to some extent...
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    Any reccomendations for a good-all purpose jacket?

    Thanks for all the help But I wasn't really looking at a leather jacket, though I am interested now. Paddington is a bit far, but maybe after my exams (I have exams now) I'll go take a look. @ bio_nut Why such hatred? Hatred is bad, have you already forgotten 'belonging'? :) I'm actually...