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    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    Firstly, not all Catholics share Iron/the pope's POV; many happily accept homosexuality without hesitation Secondly, I am quite sure being gay is not genetic. I like guys, however I can still feel the instinctual urge to get with girls. Its extremely difficult to describe... but it's like...
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    School Netbooks are here!

    Surely they should have looked towards the OLPC concept to choose a laptop. It should have a 10" screen, huge battery life, SSD and all open source software
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    School League Tables

    It annoys me that while you have such a good point that effectively should end the argument, people are still continuing with their little rants using illogical theory. 1 problem however... good students improve at a slower rate than poor students, especially when following a curriculum that...
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    French President Sarkozy says burqas are 'not welcome' in France

    *should have Lol I know it's slack to point out such little things, but there really does seem to be a major shortage of intelligent Muslims in our society who are willing to argue against the prejudice imparted by so many Anglo-Celtic Australians
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    Learner License Age to 17???

    Of course I accept that experience is incredibly important in determining the risk of crashing. But I'm saying that age is also important as an independent variable, which you denied in previous posts. The study clearly supports the notion that raising the age to 17 will prevent more...
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    Learner License Age to 17???

    Mate, read my second post. The design speed of a road is the highest safe speed. 110 is not the design speed; you're wrong. Do you realise how EASY it is to lose control at 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50??? There's no safe speed for cars. You have to accept that there is a point at which...
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    Learner License Age to 17???

    Source: And the statistics were compiled from the official records of every single young driver in the state of Michigan. Don't try and fucking undermine the statistics I provide. You're absolutely wrong, ok? Yeah...
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    Learner License Age to 17???

    The design speed for all our freeways was 130km/h. Yet we are limited to 110km/h. This suggests to me that there is something wrong with the way in which speed limits are determined. Not true. According to recent studies, age and experience are separate variables (younger drivers more...
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    Learner License Age to 17???

    Having licensed drivers teach kids how to drive works really well IMO. In Europe, where every lesson has to be with an instructor, you're looking at several grand for a licence. Granted, the drivers are better, but it puts driving out of reach of a lot of young people. People will stop...
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    Web filters to censor video games

    How can an intelligent man like K Rudd possibly see any positive side to such legislation? I thought we voted in an open minded, sensible, smart and innovative PM - who would perhaps embody the progressive policies of his predecessors. Clearly not.
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    Learner License Age to 17???

    Wouldn't parents be happy that their kids have less risk of having a car accident? Having said that, I think the old 16 and 50 hours scheme was fine... if your too stupid to learn in that time period, either have a huge crash and suffer the consequences or wait until you're more mature I...
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    French President Sarkozy says burqas are 'not welcome' in France

    Regardless of the moral aptitude of a law, if the majority of a society wants something, I don't see why they shouldn't be able to vote in someone who will impose policies to achieve the desired outcome. Migrants should factor in such issues when they choose a country to migrate to. The...
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    Easiest courses in USYD?

    Its not easy to get marks in MKTG1001 The average mid semester grade was 11.7/20 (Stdev ~2) They rebadge common sense as technical bullshit and then throw in all together in a confusing hodgepodge; and then couple it with the most boring textbook you will even read
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    guys and high heels.

    as long as they don't whinge about them all night, they are ok
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    Most alleged 'drink spikings' not real, just plain pissed

    when i did my rsa we were warned about guys buying a mixed drink + 1 shot some places ban sales like this
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    NAB to introduce Muslim-friendly loans

    yeah because you've really justified that its not hypocritical to pay 'interest' but not interest, which is what my post pretty much insinuated come back with a intelligent reply, mmk?
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    NAB to introduce Muslim-friendly loans

    I understand it completely. The point I made still stands. Any Muslim who uses this new system (regardless of whether it is a 'muslim' product) is still guilty, IMO, of what I described in my post.
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    NAB to introduce Muslim-friendly loans

    would you care to elaborate? what, exactly, did i say that is so "racist" :eek: or whatever you are implying me to be You've taken this out of context... I was simply saying the system is free from religion at the moment, and didnt conclude this to be a good or bad thing
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    NAB to introduce Muslim-friendly loans

    Are these Muslims so retarded that they think their all knowing and all powerful God is too dumb to realise that they are still paying interest, just with a different name??? Alternatively, they are not stupid - maybe they are just too lazy to follow their religion, or don't even believe in...
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    Swimming and Speedos (Guys Only!)

    Guys should just go with whats more practical; ie speedos indoors/for laps and boardies outside People need to get over the scary thought that guys have something down there If people are fat, their appearance isn't helped much by wearing boardies anyway (which don't cover the tummy flab)