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    Frequent Flyer Programs

    At the lowest level of membership, each long haul flight to London or New York will get you enough points for 1 domestic flight to Melbourne, Brisbane or Canberra. Domestic flights generally earn a flat rate of 1000 points, or 1/8 of a free domestic flight. However, Qantas' fares are usually...
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    The music is awesome. The story is sooo shithouse, that lead girl singer keeps going into and out of the club for no good reason. We also know what the ending is gonna be... they'll win sectionals as a happy all united team. I think the story of Britannia High was much better (the UK show...
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    am i being ripped off??

    The vast majority of 18yr olds would earn $10-15/hr - you'd have to work at a place for a long time/have a valuable skill or connections to earn $20 Minimum wage is $14.31/hr; standard adopted by most businesses (and Government) is 70% for 18yr olds - so thats $10.02 an hour. I'm pretty sure...
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    Youth Allowance Independence Test

    So you need to earn ~$22k in 18 months to qualify for youth allowance. The problem is, I earn a proportion of my income from cash in hand babysitting and tips. Will it be enough to declare this on my tax return? Or is there some other way that Centrelink checks income?
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    How to get a job? I need one?

    I work at a cafe, and positions are not advertised. From time to time we (the employees) are asked to find friends etc who might be interested/the managers just go through the resumes that have been handed in recently to find someone suitable. *Make sure your CV is 1 page only *Ask to speak to...
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    New super duper student card

    What's the point? I already have a debit card and a student card. I really don't want to be tied down to ANZ's shitty ATM network and most places don't want to touch CCs for small purchases (coffee etc) because of the fees and time wasted. This is a half measure that really doesn't help anyone...
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    Hey Hey It's Saturday Jackson 5 skit is racist?

    What's with the argument, "if a black person painted their face white..."??? This isn't an issue! - it is not why there has been outcry from certain perspectives. It's all about the allusion to the blackface theatrical style (which embodies a racist perspective). Of course Connick thought this...
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    Bright students 'betrayed' by HSC

    Lol well they're obvious to me (and to all the parents who try so hard to get their kids into selective schools), and very well researched. If you can't accept these simple facts then I cbf to argue with you. -selective schools have competitive pressure which makes you work harder than you...
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    Bright students 'betrayed' by HSC

    The point is this: Take student A and student B, both with the same intelligence. IF student A is at Ruse and student B at Parramatta high then student A will do better, because of a number of obvious factors. Whilst student A and B both have the mental capacity to complete the same uni...
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    Bright students 'betrayed' by HSC

    I agree with the article, I think the HSC is bs as well. We should do it like it was done in the old days... My grandpa did law at Usyd back in the 1940s - anyone could start the course, but 60-70% dropped out by graduation. Thus people who would make good lawyers got law degrees. The only...
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    The Kogan netbook has shitty wireless... and this was a massive deal breaker for me. I think it comes down to Asus Eee Pc vs MSI wind; i opted for the latter since it was cheaper and easier to find (I paid $519 for a U100+) All the specs are so similar, you should pick based on looks, weight...
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    Travel Concessions for International Students - Foolish Demands

    Guess what? Where I live, Sydney Buses' operations run at a profit. That means I'm paying more than what I should be paying while you are receiving a subsidy every time you take public transport. But I'm not complaining, because I know its important that everyone has access to good pt. So you...
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    Travel Concessions for International Students - Foolish Demands

    I see 2 issues here: 1. Clearly, international students are submitted to much more stringent eligibility tests - we just sign a bit of paper saying we don't work (often a lie); so its like the Gov has double standards when it comes to enforcing its rules 2. Every bit of subsidy that one gets...
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    Cadbury goes fairtrade

    I put fairtrade into the same category as free range eggs and organic food... food is already too expensive in Australia, and higher prices for anything will quickly translate into lower sales IMO. The world needs people to suffer in order to sustain our comfortable lifestyles - unfortunate but true
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    Jobs at the airport

    A couple of months ago I applied to be a customer service agent for Tiger (the ad was posted on this forum actually) - anyway, went to the interview and was told about the following conditions: -Needed a car, as could get called up at 4am to go to work -Only would be required 15hrs a week...
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    I'd hate to think that it was me that made my parents break up.

    My parents split up in yr 12, I applied for the EAS but was rejected... its not an automatic consolation prize And of course kids can be the reason for people breaking up - marriages end because of rifts between each spouse's perspective on various issues. Raising children is one such issue -...
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    Symbian & Nokia: Is there any hope?

    Nokia should forget about expensive phones and focus on the budget market, i.e. customers who want to call and text only, and to whom $29 a month+ phone plans are expensive.
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    For or against denticare (and associated tax rises)?

    Completely healthy people in Australia often have 3rd world standard teeth if they arent well off enough to afford 2 $150+ dentist visits for each member of their family every year. Cut spending on end of life care and be more proactive about getting people to eat healthy and exercise if the...
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    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    Using this definition, I reckon you would exclude the vast majority of your typical weekend congregation from being "catholic" I define the religion as using important biblical lessons like love in a practical way to contribute as much as you can to society - I feel its this practical drive...
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    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    It's not the Catholic POV, its the vatican's POV... The conflict of opinion has parallels in the acceptance of contraception and abortion by many church going Catholics. There are many gay catholic organisations, and having been raised from a strong Irish Catholic background, going to a...