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  1. melsc

    MQ General chatter thread

    Re: MQ General chatter and timetables thread MQnU: Information for Students COMMUNICATION OF RESULTS/UNIT RESULT NOTIFICATIONS: It is expected that unit result information and postgraduate qualification details will be available on the eStudent website ( from...
  2. melsc

    Law students and their unwarranted ego.

    + 1. OP just because you know some douchey law students does not mean we are all like that! I've done an Arts degree and I know how it differs from a law degree but I NEVER tell people that I think less of them or their course of study. There is a difference in workload, I don't think it...
  3. melsc


    I'm a law student, I have done Torts and Health Law and I plan to do advanced Torts, thats all you'd need for med malpractice, medical knowledge? Thats what experts are for! Law is bad enough, Med/Law = suicide
  4. melsc

    Sex ed

    +1 The biggest problem I have with not talking about it is the idea that if you do talk about it kids/young people will suddenly go for it. Most of the people I know who had sex really young or unsafely went to schools that refused to teach safe sex or sex ed at all. It's like the same when...
  5. melsc

    Why don't we have stuvac period

    Exactly, you learn to deal, last sem I had like 4000 words + oral presentation in week 12 and then two take homes of 2500 words and 1500 words due on the last day before the formal exams, I survived.
  6. melsc

    Comm/Law or Comm

    Personally I would only do law unless it interests you/you want to do it because otherwise it will drive you nuts. Also doing a double degree with law generally means you options of major/number of electives as you are doing two degrees in 5 years instead of 6.
  7. melsc

    the pill

    My boobs grew a cup size too
  8. melsc

    Who misses the chicken caesar rolls and turkey and cranberry rolls at Maccas..?

    lol...Big Daddy quote...well played
  9. melsc

    law without legal studies

    Neither provide any real indication of what law is like, of course university provides some but practice is very different as I have found. In the end until you get some work experience you wont know for sure.
  10. melsc

    the pill

    If you use condoms you're fine, just wait a month to rely on pill alone. I didn't really get any side effects, ocassionally when I go back on the active pills I feel a bit bleh for the first day but otherwise I don't really have a problem.
  11. melsc

    the pill

    I think thats right, thats my pill. I don't think you will get your period now until you get to the red section again because you started when you didnt have your period. I am not 100% sure about when you'll be safe etc because I started when I got my period....
  12. melsc


    Yeah that's what I meant :rolleyes: . As long as you can communicate about it with that person
  13. melsc


    When you're mature enough to make the decision, have sex safely and talk about it with the person you are going to do it with. If any of these are too difficult (i.e. you refuse to go get protection, don't want to talk about it with the person or are just doing it to be cool/grown up) then...
  14. melsc

    career advice

    LAW at MQ isnt the best, but the Arts program is awesome, unless you're desperate to be a lawyer at a top tier firm it wont be a problem though! If you are interested in Arts and you arent that interested in top tier firms MQ would be better
  15. melsc

    the pill

    Do you know the brand, because its easier if I can google the brand (as the info thats in the packet is usually online)? Does it say to start when you have your period or anytime? Generally you start in the red section.
  16. melsc

    the pill

    Its probably best to give all info just incase, I wouldn't worry they are used to talking about that sort of thing so don't be worried. They just like to know where you are at etc. Good luck and don't worry its over with quickly.
  17. melsc

    the pill

    *Medical history (i.e. what conditions do you have and what meds are you taking) *What you want it for (is it just contraception or do you also need it for skin etc) so they can decide which one to take *Possibly if you are sexually actve (to determine if you need STI test/pap smear) *Explain...
  18. melsc

    What have you eaten today?

    Breakfast: Mocha and Cinnamon Toast Lunch: Chicken Pesto Pasta Salad, Water Fun size Maltesers Frosty Fruit
  19. melsc

    the pill

    Don't worry, most people don't have too much people finding one that suits.
  20. melsc

    Commerce/Law double degree only one Major?

    Yeah all I mean is you wont be able to do it with a normal load, you'd need to overload OR take a summer subject or take more time