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  1. melsc

    Commerce/Law double degree only one Major?

    It really depends, usually you can't because you do 2 degrees in 5 years, therefore some of your Law subjects are also counted as your other degree elective, its hard to then get enough electives to make another major, that said it would probably work if you took longer and did extra subjects...
  2. melsc

    No appetite in the morning.

    Start with something small, increase it as your body gets used to it. My b/f used to be like this and now he actually feels hungry in the morning because his body has come to accept breakfast. Start small and plain...breakfast is very important!
  3. melsc

    The "I'm Fat" Friend - annoying!

    Nutritional advice: What you are doing is so bad for your health!(Before you acuse me of not knowing what its like, I have been helping my b/f lose weight, like most he tried to cut out meals etc and was really misinformed about nutrition. He now says he wishes that he knew the things he did...
  4. melsc

    Are My Subjects Bad?

    What subjects are good/bad for a person is a subjective thing. If you are doing well and enjoy them this will be reflected in how well you do. Scaling is not going to take you from a bare pass to 90%, so as long as the subjects suit your interests and ability you will be fine. Don't worry about...
  5. melsc

    the pill

    + 1. Personally, when I first started I waited a month before relying on it on its own. I know I may be a little paranoid but you wont know how your body will react, some find it takes their body a while to adjust and if its not strong enough etc you don't want to find out the hard way...
  6. melsc

    Regarding the slut/hero female/male double standard

    What I meant was just because a guy doesn't say 'oh she's a slut because she sleeps around' to other people, doesn't mean that thinking doesn't factor in when he considers dating girls. I don't know maybe I just know a lot of considerate girls. Don't get me wrong, I love it when my b/f pays...
  7. melsc

    MQ General chatter thread

    Re: MQ General chatter and timetables thread (+ Conception Day!) yeah, it costs a little more if u do that
  8. melsc

    MQ General chatter thread

    Re: MQ General chatter and timetables thread (+ Conception Day!) keep in mind the price
  9. melsc

    Regarding the slut/hero female/male double standard

    +1 Not all guys would say it to another guy or girl but that doesn't mean that they would date her. I mean come on, I have heard lots of guys, in particular on this site they wouldn't go out with a girl who sleeps around, not saying the words doesn't mean the effect is any different. In...
  10. melsc

    DPP thought our test sucked

    University law exams which are something the DPP would remember are a lot different to legal studies exams (which is something he admits he isn't familiar with). I wouldn't really worry about it
  11. melsc

    Holiday During Uni?

    As people have said missing three-four whole weeks will make is very very difficult to catch up, especially when you have never studied at university level before. Keep in mind a semester is only 13 weeks so 3-4 weeks is a big proportion of the time. Generally there are also minimum attendance...
  12. melsc

    2nd year+ enrolment

    Yeah, the website says exact dates wont be up until Dec
  13. melsc

    MQ General chatter thread

    Re: MQ General chatter and timetables thread (+ Conception Day!) Nah, usually, unless you haven't done the pre-reqs you should be fine
  14. melsc

    MQ General chatter thread

    Re: MQ General chatter and timetables thread (+ Conception Day!) This was in 2007 so keep that in mind but my 300 level arts subjects had 2500 or so word limits and a bit more reading but generally not too much difference.
  15. melsc

    MQ General chatter thread

    Re: MQ General chatter and timetables thread (+ Conception Day!) What area of study? I took 2 300 level SOC subjects in my second year and found it fine, the only difference was the word limits of the assignments (i.e. longer) as long as you have met the prereqs, it will be fine :)
  16. melsc

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    I don't have a problem with Christianity but I do have a problem with SOME Christians... People attack because many of you: a) force your relgion down our throat b) fail to understand/accept that we have our opinions c) tell us we are wrong because we don't believe in the same things d)...
  17. melsc

    Any point transferring from UWS Law to MQ Law?

    I don't think so if I knew what I knew now, I mean, I got heaps more opportunities in terms of mooting and stuff with the law society, but that said I really miss the practical nature of the UWS degree and elective choice. We're also going through hell with the law society at the moment to sort...
  18. melsc

    What do you like and hate about your body?

    They are only a year or two off, try looking at the most 16 when you're 22 like me. Worse still, when I graduate people probably won't believe I am old enough to be their lawyer lol
  19. melsc

    What do you like and hate about your body?

    Hate *that I am short *face isn't super pretty *my mussels don't tone properly so look a bit giggly like fat (but apparently makes me feel like 'a giant boobie' *rolls eyes* * my thyroid gland is swollen so it looks like an adams apple Like *hair *eyes
  20. melsc

    Multiple choice marking???

    There must be a system, computers have been checking MC answer sheets for ages