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  1. braindrainedAsh

    The Amazing Race 7

    Yeah what a selfish ass.... officially a Rob hater now.
  2. braindrainedAsh

    The Amazing Race 7

    Awww I am such a fan of Meredith and Gretchen! When I am old, I hope I am as cool as them with such a great attitude!!!!
  3. braindrainedAsh

    gap-year-like activities

    STA have some programs where you can teach English as a foreign language etc like GAP.
  4. braindrainedAsh

    Help me kick out my flatmate

    I agree with the above poster, it's not that terrible a situation, my current situation has been much worse. But still, you have the right to decide who you want to live with, especially if it is your name on the lease.
  5. braindrainedAsh

    Help me kick out my flatmate

    LOL call the mental asylum and get the men in white coats to take him away. Tell him that the female feels threatened by him and wants to get a restraining order so he should just move out so she doesn't drag him to court.
  6. braindrainedAsh

    Free Russell Campaign

    This truly is a travesty of justice.... The world should not be deprived of Russells acting ability and vision for the future of humanity. I have also heard he is a wonderful musician whose band "90 Odd Foot of Grunt" produces music which could be likened to be the Beethoven of our time...
  7. braindrainedAsh

    admissions questions

    Have you ever worked anywhere? In a big business? Small business? You could say that your working experiences thus far have inspired a keen interest in the workings of business that you would like the pursue.... But I'm a humanities student, so don't trust me....
  8. braindrainedAsh

    Longest time spent travelling to and from uni

    2 min walk! Yay!
  9. braindrainedAsh

    Help me kick out my flatmate

    be careful because you don't want to piss him off too much because then he might get spooky and revengeful. Biut ultimately you will just have to tell him. I would give him a date that he has to move out by.... give him at least 2 weeks. Lie if you have to.... say you have a relative that...
  10. braindrainedAsh

    P-Plate Restrictions

    Yeah, these are very toned down to what they were proposing last year.
  11. braindrainedAsh

    Week of Craziness!

    ROFL.... everyone says that they will do that, but trust me, next semester you will still be writing your essays at the very last minute, that's the way it goes!
  12. braindrainedAsh

    P-Plate Restrictions

    Thank god I can get my full license when I go home.... yay no more Ps, even though I never used to put them on my car when I was home on hols anyway! But I don't think the one passenger thing is too bad, because it only applies after you have had your licence disqualified, so only after you...
  13. braindrainedAsh


    Super Nanny sends them to the naughty corner if their behavior 'as been unassepteble.... I think plagerism would be a problem.... failing lots.... vandalism of the uni.... unassepteble behayvya in class.
  14. braindrainedAsh

    Defining moments of uni

    This other school in our town did that to our school sheep one year on muck up day.....
  15. braindrainedAsh


    I really want to see this film. Hitler: The Rise of Evil was craptastic from what I remember of it. The Pianist is good. We also watched some movie that was in German about a jewish boy who was in the Hitler Youth.... I can't remember what it was called, but it was quite good.
  16. braindrainedAsh

    Leni riefenstahl

    I think it is a plausible argument to say she was simply making documentaries... you just probably need to find some stuff to back it up. That stuff would come in the form of Leni's denials of her involvement in Nazism. Check out the doco The wonderful horrible life of Leni Riefenstahl etc.
  17. braindrainedAsh

    Choosing topic for Indochina..

    The stuff in the first dot point (e.g. Dien Bien Phu) is probably not as important as some of the later stuff. Which parts about Indochina do you find most interesting? It would probably be easy to do something on tactics used by both sides during the conflict... or on the American...
  18. braindrainedAsh

    leni riefenstahl

    LOL Leni certainly was a character. Funny story about Leni and MH when I did the HSC. My history teacher was like "We are studying Leni Riefenstahl for the personality study.... she will probably die soon, and that will mean there will be lots of interesting documentaries about her to...
  19. braindrainedAsh

    i was gonna go here

    I know, Mel made the best hot choccies EVER! Tuesday afternoon after MIL has not been the same since..... My friend works at the loft sometimes and she is good.... But lavazza isn't a particularly nice brand of coffee in my opinion, the grand espresso blend can be quite bitter.
  20. braindrainedAsh

    Week of Craziness!

    I have a 50% essay and a 30% "take home test" to go, so not too bad. PLus they aren't due until next week because they gave us extensions! Last week was kind of hellish, where I had a 50% essay, 30% feature article and 20% presentation all due on the same day though, I think I am still recovering.