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  1. melsc

    Cut the jokes, or get flushed - SMH Article

    I find the apathy so frustrating, people don't seem to care about anything even if it does affect them. The law school for example is having more and more money sucked out, the academics are shit because they can research but cannot teach and the course is so philosophical that there are no...
  2. melsc

    Diagnose me - I have no time for doctors

    I am not trying to attack you, just sometimes stress can make it hard to see the benefit of doing something that may seem to take a lot of time. Good luck with your exams.
  3. melsc

    Cut the jokes, or get flushed - SMH Article

    I was sad when I came back to uni and saw no speculum...the name reminds me of unplesent things lol
  4. melsc

    Diagnose me - I have no time for doctors

    I prefer older guys ;)
  5. melsc

    Diagnose me - I have no time for doctors

    I don't understand why you are hyping the trials up so much, it will take an hour or so out of one day...disrupted sleep is worse for you...geez do people actually study 24/7? Once you do your HSC you will learn that life doesn't stop for anything and you just have to balance things. I went...
  6. melsc

    Double degree, quick q

    You pay the two different bands on a per subject basis. Basically the 8k they say for law is the max they charge if you are doing all law subjects for example so usually I pay around $1k to $1.5k per law subject and $300-$900 for an arts subject depending on the percentage it is of a full study...
  7. melsc

    Double Degree and GPA

    GPA is normally worked out over all so yes the C's and P's would be reflected in your GPA. I'm not sure how it works with graduation but thats how it works as you go through your degree. Keep in mind employers generally also ask for an academic transcript so they can see where your talents lie...
  8. melsc

    Law school rankings

    All I know is I can't change the attitiude of people and that includes employers that think some uni's are sub par when everyone learns the same thing so I am going to do my best to prove them wrong. I work my arse off doing mooting, witness examination, running for law soc, working part time...
  9. melsc

    Paying for university

    Is it possible to get citizenship b4 u start uni?
  10. melsc

    Job opportunities from a combined law/science degree?

    The other degree has nothing to do with practicing in law. You could practice either as a lawyers, in some other law related field or in a science related field. You have a fair bit of choice, you can pick you law electives based on the area you want to practice but by doing science/law you are...
  11. melsc

    Working while undertaking Year 12

    I worked during my HSC and it was fine. You need a break from study or you will burn out and believe me, even work can seem like a break from study. Besides most of us at uni have a bigger workload and work part time as well. I study law and work between 8-16hrs a week, do 12-14 contact hrs a...
  12. melsc

    Healthy food to pack for work

    get one of those lunchboxes with an icebrick and then you have more options you can take with you and it wont go off. - yogurt and fruit - pasta you could make a cold pasta salad with pesto, vegies, tuna ham - rice (low gi is better) - wholegrain rice crackers or biscuits (like vita weats...
  13. melsc

    Any Year 12 '08'ers wishing to go to uni but have no idea what to do there?

    If you aren't sure take something general like an Arts degree and then after doing a few subjects (or having more time) you might find what you like...that said people I know have taken years to decide after swaping courses...otherwise take a year off and work, save up some money and then have a...
  14. melsc

    Law studies

    Its something most love to hate...its hard work but worth in when youn finally understand something, can solve a complex problem question or whoop someone's arse in mooting. Its a long haul though, if you are just doing it to not 'waste' your UAI don't you can make money in other things that...
  15. melsc

    help on UWS

    No idea, think its ok, there are heaps of commerce students but as I said you'd have to ask someone who does it.
  16. melsc

    help on UWS

    Prestige was one factor but the main reason was doing arts law I had to travel between bankstown and para as well as penrith and richmond depending on the units I wanted to do...but I hate to tell you MQ doesnt have that much better a rep than UWS
  17. melsc

    help on UWS

    Its getting less and the point is a lack of prestige doesn't make somewhere exagerate
  18. melsc

    help on UWS

    What research have you done to conclude its terrible? I've been there, its not the best uni out there but you learn the same stuff, use the same books...all it lacks is the prestige. You cant tell me your "research" is better than my experience being at both UWS and MQ pkus all the "research" I...
  19. melsc

    Is University of Western Sydney a good school to do Translation and Interpretation ?

    I'm sure we should listen to you with all your great knowledge and experience of university.
  20. melsc

    Subjects Selection Help :)

    Do you like languages, Computers, Legal/Business studies or economics...what are your interests and what are you good at?