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  1. chewy123

    A day in Uni

    Does many people actually put in the effort to get HD or D?
  2. chewy123

    Does God exist?

    God may well exists, but he manifest himself in different form for different people.
  3. chewy123

    Where is the best place to find current Economic figures?

    the reserve bank website is best.
  4. chewy123

    Alternative Energy Technologies

    On bos people don't help you do your homework, these are simple questions that you can easily research yourself. By the way, I never knew hydrogen fuel cell is in the chemistry syllabus...but nonetheless we have rarely done anything on the right hand side of the syllabus.
  5. chewy123


    Catalase is an enzyme, thus the "component" would be protein.
  6. chewy123

    me and my friend got the same ranking for english. is this possible?

    Each assessment is a factor that determines the ultimate rank of a student. Teacher can try to ensure that ranks are not clustered by setting higher standards in the marking criteria if they believe the quality of the class on that particular assignment is high. By that I mean by ensuring marks...
  7. chewy123

    me and my friend got the same ranking for english. is this possible?

    Why? Isn't the marks the determinant of the teachers' belief? Nonetheless, from experience I noted that teachers generally want to create a larger spread in ranks, clustering everyone together isn't a good thing. If the standard of a particular assessment is high, they would mark harsher just...
  8. chewy123

    me and my friend got the same ranking for english. is this possible?

    That's not a good thing, unless your teacher genuinely believed the students capacity are equal.
  9. chewy123

    A day in Uni

    Workload wise, how's a day in uni feels like?
  10. chewy123

    me and my friend got the same ranking for english. is this possible?

    extremely unlike, even less than 0.5 decimal is considered a rank difference. Unless you two got the exact same marks in all your assessment, you'd better get it checked out.
  11. chewy123

    UAI Guess Competition

    Need not be so relentless, people have self-respect too....:P
  12. chewy123

    "Assessment Rank Order from 13 November"

    Likewise, rank of order notice says i came 5th in chem, and my teacher said came 4th before release. I just emailed her about it, you should ask you teacher too.
  13. chewy123


    You suck
  14. chewy123

    Visiting school after the H.S.C

    lol why wouldn't they let you in?
  15. chewy123

    Is Multiple Choice marked by computer?

    I have the same worry, I don't trust computers!
  16. chewy123

    DISAPOINTING you teachers.

    I think the teacher get to look at the student's mark.
  17. chewy123

    What was your top/worst subject?

    top: Mathematics Worst: English advanced
  18. chewy123

    Sign out day

    If you sign out, you are no longer a member of the school and your existence is no longer their concern. If you don't sign out, nothing much happens.
  19. chewy123

    UAI Guess Competition

    User: chewy123 UAI Guess: 89.00 Actual UAI: Date signed: November 5 2008 I think everyone is dumbing themsevles down just so to minimise the risk of embarrassment.
  20. chewy123

    holidaying after the HSC

    Sigh, AUD:HKD used to be 1:7 now its 1:5, I should have brought some earlier.