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  1. kami

    Would you eat Camel?

    Tripe is disgusting. Would you eat a living animal you had raised yourself? Would you eat a chimp (if they weren't endangered)? Kwayera: current curio of the hour.
  2. kami

    Reproductive technologies, social revolution and ... mouse sperm?

    I don't really follow. How does it affect the social divide between developed and third world nations?
  3. kami

    Would you eat Camel?

    Be warned that when people say witchetty grubs taste like chicken they are completely and entirely lying. I've only heard good things about chocolate dipped ants, though. So is something being endangered or of your own species the only barriers for you? You should know that this is causing an...
  4. kami

    Reproductive technologies, social revolution and ... mouse sperm?

    Would that really be much of an effect with this? I mean, our own genetic make up would presumably unchanged as it's the mechanism for procreation which is affected rather than the end product.
  5. kami

    Would you eat Camel?

    I bet Kway would go for it. I can totally see her diving into the ocean and latching onto it with her teeth.
  6. kami

    ATTN: Graphic Novel/ Comic Book Nerds

    The current series; it involves 'Rulk' and is bad to the point of hilarity. It's literally one of the worst pieces of fiction that Marvel has ever published.
  7. kami

    Would you eat Camel?

    Wai for? And what about insects? Arachnids? Inquiring minds need to know your dietary habits!
  8. kami

    Would you eat Camel?

    CURIOUS. Would you eat aborted fetus meat? If it was used in dumplings or other pastries?
  9. kami

    Would you eat Camel?

    Oh, what. Your range of meat consumption is almost disturbing.
  10. kami

    Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Is Obama a pussy?

    Well, yes and no. They've become more and more fringe lately, especially after the humiliation suffered over Palin so that while they're still a power they're not one Obama should really fear, especially since they'd be mostly against him by principle anyway (omg muslim terrorist President...
  11. kami

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    That's an entirely valid approach but it still needs to be drawn up in opposition to theories explaining other orientations, if only because the drive to reproduce is an obvious explanation for opposite sex attraction, it's what does or does not come after that that requires explanation e.g why...
  12. kami

    ATTN: Graphic Novel/ Comic Book Nerds

    No. Just, no. Deadpool is like the piece of shit on a crack whore's broken stiletto. He is not cool by any sense of the word. Yeah, Jeph Loeb is pretty good there. Stay away from some of his other stuff though, he can be a truly atrocious writer (Hulk, Ultimates 3).
  13. kami

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    Humanity, or indeed any life form, can hardly have a purpose unless there is a form of creationism involved so 'whether you believe in God or not' is a very important question as to whether someone agrees. Unless you explicitly believe that brand of thinking then no life form can have a...
  14. kami

    How often do you masturbate?

    Whenever I look at the "I'm curious" thread.
  15. kami

    Reproductive technologies, social revolution and ... mouse sperm?

    First live births from artificial sperm - Times Online This seems like an epic step, imo, in the development and revolution of what it means to reproduce especially in light of the Japanese creating female chicken sperm cells. This leads me to think of some of the literature I've been...
  16. kami

    Change the nudity laws!

    I see no issue in decriminalising public nudity, it doesn't affect me and there's nothing inherently wrong about someone's genitalia. I doubt it would change things much though. Most institutions which require clothing already have a required dress code (labs, food vendors, educational...
  17. kami

    HIV: Are scare tactics useful anymore?

    Well, I think this is distinct from the problems of other campaigns because the other campaigns distinctly stigmatise the risky activity but not the disease itself. Let's look at smoking for example - people are stigmatised for having a cigarette to some degree (which is useful) but cancer...
  18. kami

    HIV: Are scare tactics useful anymore?

    Yeah, I didn't really get it at first either. They have a gay version too: tG9eMGrbtHA
  19. kami

    Would you eat Camel?

    Nah, someone mentioned using wild donkeys as a food source. I responded to that. I think it's beside the point to create a market for an animal that's more harmful, rather than less, to the environment. Using camels > using feral donkeys. Fair enough.