Search results

  1. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election State of House of Representatives after the 2013 federal election. Source: The Aust. -ALP won 55 seats (a loss of 16 seats compared to the 2010 federal election) -Coalition won 91 seats (a gain of 18 seats compared to the 2010 federal election) -Independents won...
  2. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election McGowan in, possibly Palmer in- Coalition lose two seats in the 2013 federal election. The contest for the Queensland seat of Fairfax has taken a dramatic turn as mining magnate Clive Palmer and his LNP rival Ted O' Brien in a tight finish. Mr Palmer finished Wednesday...
  3. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election Tony Abbott could be Australia's worst Prime Minister over the past thirty years. Kick this incompetent Coalition mob out. Source: Sathius005 Tony Abbott does not have a calm, methodical and measured style of leadership. Tony Abbott lacks duty of service, has utter...
  4. Sathius005

    What do you study in Integrating Business Perspectives?

    What do you study in Integrating Business Perspectives? -do you read all the chapters of Fundamentals of Business Law? If not what chapters do you study? -what business law topics do you study for Integrating Business Perspectives? Do you study about contracts and consumer protection?
  5. Sathius005

    Who is Australia's greatest Prime Minister over the past thirty years?

    In my opinion Kevin Rudd is Australia's greatest Prime Minister over the past thirty years because of: -strong economic management- kept Australia out of a Great Depression/ Great Recession during the time period concept of the Global Financial Crisis. Australia was facing the most challenging...
  6. Sathius005

    Who is Australia's greatest Prime Minister over the past thirty years?

    Who is Australia's greatest Prime Minister over the past thirty years and why? A)Kevin Rudd B)Bob Hawke C)Paul Keating D) John Howard
  7. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election Labor slams the government's budget stall tactic. Source: AFR Prime Minister Tony Abbott is conceding defeat when it comes to economic management. Joe Hockey Treasurer of Australia admitted that his economic management skills are not up to scratch. The Coalition...
  8. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election Tony Abbott is a man who makes our patriarchal society great. I don't believe in female affirmative action instead I believe promotion based on merit. I think that Tony Abbott is making some hard decisions in the national interest.
  9. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election Solo fails to realize that the Australian Labor Party won almost 47 per cent of the 2 party preferred vote in the 2013 federal election. In Australia we live in an electoral system where it is two party preferred.
  10. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election Solo is an idiot. The Australian Labor party has not swung far too the left and into bed with the Greens. The ALP in 2013 is the most right wing/ Conservative Labor outfit Australia has ever produced, just take a look at former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's PNG Solution...
  11. Sathius005

    Biology or Economics?

    Do Economics, Business Studies and Legal studies for your HSC get rid of the crappy science subjects. You might say that your good at Science subjects for your School Certificate (SC) but trust me HSC is nothing like the SC, it is a giant leap for students. I was excellent at science in the SC...
  12. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election In the words of some political analysts from the mainstream media/ Fairfax press "Tony Abbott is a misogynist, sexist, homophobic prick, a bully, a racist, a liar and is the worst PM in Australian history." Read more...
  13. Sathius005

    double major ?

    Sub Majors show the employer that you are someone who is not decisive/ competent. Sub Majors are toxic because it shows you are someone who loves to chop and change and that you are not a committed employee willing to specialise in two majors. It is much better to specialise in two majors.
  14. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election Dear Bill Shorten, I am advising you that the ALP should terminate the carbon tax/ ETS because I believe it is in the national interest. ALP Climate change politics has been discredited and rejected by the Australian people. I highly suggest you respect Tony Abbott's...
  15. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election Let's terminate the carbon tax/ ETS: Labor Right Faction. Source: AFR Elements of Mr Shorten's Right faction broke ranks on Wednesday and said Labor should allow the Coalition to abolish the carbon tax and emissions trading scheme. Former Trade Minister Richard Marles...
  16. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    A)Can the Australian Labor Party win government in the 2016 federal election? B) Who do you want as leader of the two main political parties? C) Who do you think are rising stars within the Australian Labor Party and the Coalition?
  17. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    I am supporting Bill Shorten to become Labor leader and call on him to support the termination of the carbon tax and oppose the Direct Action policy. I think that climate change scare mongering is absolute crap. Global warming is a discredited theory and needs to be buried in a garbage bin. I...
  18. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    By contrast with Tony Abbott, Rudd was connecting with voters right across the spectrum and is seen as someone prepared to grapple with complexity. We like it when our leaders treat us like grown ups and talk to us in full sentences rather than talk to us in slogans. Kevin does complex well and...
  19. Sathius005

    Law at Uni

    I believe in making your own luck at Law school by working eight weeks ahead of the class. I studied Business Law and Ethics at a top one per cent law school in the world. In BLE in the mid term exam+ individual law assignment+ three bonus marks I got 49/50. This would make me the smartest...
  20. Sathius005

    Rudd-Gillard Labor Government: What went wrong?

    Gillard is an idiot. Gillard should have known that Greens always support Labor. Gillard is Australia's worst Prime Minister over the past thirty years.