Search results

  1. Sathius005

    How many seats do you predict federal Labor will lose in 2013 election?

    A) 10 B) 20 C) 30 D) 40 Labor now has 71 seats out of the 150 seats in the House of Representatives.If an election was held on 26/08/2013 the aggregate polling shows that Labor would lose 12 seats. Under Julia Gillard Labor would have lost 40 seats. Most election analysts predict that Labor...
  2. Sathius005

    Law and Morality: Is there a necessary connection?

    "FYI that is not what ethics is. That is more an attempted statement of the most commonly sought goals of practical politics than a definition of ethics."-Peikoff My understanding is that Ethics, Natural Law and Politics are interlinked.
  3. Sathius005

    Law and Morality: Is there a necessary connection?

    Ethics is a system encapsulating geo-political moral values, beliefs and acting in the best interests of the society that sustains us.
  4. Sathius005

    High Distinction Marketing Foundations Notes

    Here are my notes coupled with my friends High Distinction Notes for Marketing Foundations. A person who used these notes got 98 per cent in Marketing Foundations in the Mid Term Exam and got High Distinction overall for the subject (in autumn 2013). Just some side notes. The chapter on Market...
  5. Sathius005

    ATAR estimate based off prelims please

    The real questions you should answer are the following? 1) How vital is it for you to study? 2) How much effort did you put in? 3) How well is your motivation? 4) What do you regard your academic ability out of ten marks (10 means you think you will get ATAR 99.95, 5 means you will get ATAR 50...
  6. Sathius005

    Do you agree with Paul Keating's statements

    Labor on the side of angels: Keating Source: SMH Paul Keating has entered the election campaign to give a glowing endorsement of Labor's economic management and deliver a speech in Melbourne mocking the Coalition’s contribution to the nation’s growth and savaging Tony Abbott’s failure to...
  7. Sathius005

    What should the qualifying age for the aged pension be?

    A) 67 years B) 70 years C) 55 years D) 60 years
  8. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Solo is a complete idiot and she wants to bring back the White Australia policy.
  9. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Solo how dumb can you get. John Howard told the Australian people that "the GST is dead it was killed by the people in the last election". The Liberals are lying scum bags who are rotten to the core. The Liberals introduced the GST in the 1998 federal election and the majority of the voting...
  10. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    You gotta vote 1.Labor 2. Greens and Liberals last if you want a better way to move Australia forward: 1. Stop the Liberals ten per cent increase in the Goods and Services Tax. 2. A Stronger Economy. 3. Stop the Liberals toxic cuts to the bone in areas such as health, education and the public...
  11. Sathius005

    Mental Health

    Managing Mental Illness: A Health conservative (patient) inside story Welcome to Psychiatry A psychiatrist is someone trained in medicine to control mental health disorders e.g. Major Depression, Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia. To be a Psychiatric Patient in the twenty first century...
  12. Sathius005

    Do you support a longer term of government?

    Risky to test appetite for elections. Source: AFR Australians don't like elections and it's perfectly understandable that they don't. We have too many of them. The term of the federal government is far too short, which means a government hardly settled into office before it's getting ready for...
  13. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Bookies predict that Coalition will win the election with 84 seats compared to ALP's 65 seats. The ALP is predicted to lose 6 seats. The Labor party now has 71 seats in the federal parliament prior to the federal election.
  14. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    ALP predicted to lose 10 seats: Richardson. Source: The Aust. Graham Richardson, former Labor powerbroker says "at the start of this long march, my view was that Labor would lose 10 seats. That view is looking optimistic. If some fire and energy from the Rudd campaign does not manifest itself...
  15. Sathius005

    Do you support a longer term of government?

    I believe Australia is over electioned and needs to electoral reform. We need to make the term of government longer. I suggest we make one term of government six years. If the government is really bad the Governor General should be given powers to sack the govenment and the Prime Minister of...
  16. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Risky to test appetite for elections. Source: AFR Australians don't like elections and it's perfectly understandable that they don't. We have too many of them. The term of the federal government is far too short, which means a government hardly settled into office before it's getting ready for...
  17. Sathius005

    Business Law Notes

    Here is my High Distinction Business Law and Ethics/ Fundamentals of Business Law/ Perspectives on Law/ IBP notes. I assure you will get High Distinction with my notes.
  18. Sathius005

    Law at Uni

    The other students who did Business Law and Ethics, a little less than 40 per cent failed. So I was lucky to get High Distinction but I did the hard yards that is why I prevailed.
  19. Sathius005

    Law at Uni

    I studied Business Law and Ethics (BLE) at UTS and it is taught by the faculty of law. It used to be the first law subject (foundations in law subject in 2009 at UTS) for those doing Bachelor of Laws. Now BLE has been replaced by a subject called Perspectives on Law at UTS (the foundation Law...
  20. Sathius005

    Law at Uni

    Downloading journal articles is idiotic. You end up failing the subject if you just rely on journal articles. I got HD in a law subject the way I did it was: - do all the textbook, tutorial, online and past paper questions - go to all the lectures and tutorials -make notes -read the textbook -...