Search results

  1. Rafy

    Where do you stand?

    Re: political compass thread You are a globalist. 0 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 3 percent are more extremist than you.
  2. Rafy

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    How'd you find the exam? Share your thoughts here.
  3. Rafy

    General Thoughts: General Mathematics

    How'd you find the exam? Share your thoughts here.
  4. Rafy

    Australian Politics

    Ah, I've been waiting for a Lyne/New England poll for some time. Makes sober reading for Oakeshott and Windsor. As suspected, Oakeshott...
  5. Rafy

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    How'd you find the exam? Share your thoughts here.
  6. Rafy

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    How'd you find the exam? Share your thoughts here.
  7. Rafy

    iPhone 4S

    Again tempted to just go get it. ~indecision~
  8. Rafy

    time and search engine

    As a temp fix, change your timezone to GMT+6.
  9. Rafy

    Occupy Wall St
  10. Rafy

    Freedom of information for raw marks

    How HSC students won the right to know (Sydney Morning Herald / September 28, 2009) Determined students have helped break the cult of secrecy around HSC marking, writes Anna Patty.
  11. Rafy

    Freedom of information for raw marks

    It's up to date. The FOI Act was replaced with the GIPA Act.
  12. Rafy

    Purchasing our exam papers back post-ATAR?

    Yeh, you can include everything (raw marks, papers etc) under the one application.
  13. Rafy

    Purchasing our exam papers back post-ATAR?

    FOI request costs $30.
  14. Rafy

    General Thoughts: ESL Paper 2/Listening

    How'd you all find it?
  15. Rafy

    Toddler run over and then ignored by 18 passers-by

    not just a Chinese problem: Stabbed hero dies as more than 20 people stroll past him A heroic homeless man, stabbed after saving a Queens woman from a knife-wielding attacker, lay dying in a pool of blood for more than an hour as nearly 25 people indifferently strolled past him, a shocking...
  16. Rafy

    General Thoughts: English Standard Paper 2

    Share your overall thoughts of Standard Paper 2 here. What aspects of the paper did you like and dislike? Did you consider it a fair test of your abilities?
  17. Rafy

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    Share your overall thoughts of Advanced Paper 2 here. What aspects of the paper did you like and dislike? Did you consider it a fair test of your abilities?
  18. Rafy

    Copy of Exam in pdf Format

    Re: 2011 HSC English (Standard) and English (Advanced) Paper 1 - Area of Study Here's a more easily accessible link from the SMH:
  19. Rafy

    Freedom of information for raw marks

    That should not impact on your ability to request raw marks through FOI. Also, ever since the Ombudsman's report BOS has taken a far more relaxed approach to FOI requests.