Search results

  1. D

    2008 HSC Timetable

    You've got almost the exact same timetable as me. It really sucks... arghh im so annoyed. It will probably affect my HSC results to "some" extent... but who knows.
  2. D

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Ugh, quite disappointed with the timetable. Really sucks for me.. :( 17th October - English Paper 1 20th October - English Paper 2 24th October - Biology 27th October - Mathematics 28th October - Economics 29th October - Mathematics Ext 1 30th October - IPT 6th November - Chemistry :hammer...
  3. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    So far I've gotten back: Biology - 93% - Rank 1st Economics - 92% - Rank 1st Chemistry - 90% - Rank 1st (but I might get an extra mark or two, teacher is remarking a particular question on my paper). Maths 2u - 85% - Rank equal 1st (was a pretty hard exam)
  4. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    Thanks. :) Great results nevertheless! ;)
  5. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    Today I only got 2 results back... Economics - 78/85 - 92% - 1st (I think) Biology - 56/60 - 93% - 1st Pretty happy so far :)
  6. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    My school only has 7 students, including myself doing English Adv. The rest all do Standard.
  7. D

    Exactly 90.

    My school rank is definitely very low, well at least its not in the top 200 LOL. :hammer: But, if im in the top 2 or 3 students of my year, will this really bad school ranking affect me much (in terms of UAI) , if im getting good results?
  8. D

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    From what I've read, there must be a subject that every student must do in the HSC in order for UAI's to be calculated. Don't quote me, however I think I saw this on the UAC website. I've always hated English, but now that I'm in Year 12, I started to look at it from a different, more...
  9. D

    any1 been bludgy dese hols?

    Bludged most of it... today gonna try and get something done. Gotta read 145 more pages of King Lear.... yuck, torture. Go over my next chem chapter. Supposed to have done a few maths exercises, but maths mode switched off, so its as if im looking at jibberish. Dunno if I'm gonna get...
  10. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    I'm a bit anxious about getting my results back tomorrowwww.... so far I've been told by a teacher marking Section II for English Adv Paper that I got 14 or 15 out of 15 for Section II, so happy about that. Dreading all maths results... Economics, IPT should be ok... Bio and Chem... ughhhhhhh
  11. D

    Estimating your aligned HSC marks

    I agree. But when I've asked teachers for what they believe to be my estimate HSC Mark, they kinda overestimate... they think I'll get quite high, when I don't quite think so.. The way I've looked at determining an estimate HSC Mark for a particular subject is using my assessment schedule...
  12. D

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: Uni aspirations. BPharm @ USyd (CSP) *fingers crossed*
  13. D

    Where are you going to live?

    At Home, until I believe I'm ready for my own joint.
  14. D

    ANY ideas for Major project for IPT!!??

    I'm gonna make a movie trailer (using footage from The Da Vinci Code), a website,a promo CD containing trailer, graphics, wallpapers and other goodies, a database of people who have requested to be sent a free promotional CD (with their addresses etc) from the website, a spreadsheet of project...
  15. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    congrats :) i know that feeling... lol cherish it monday was my last day, and i was like deaddd after my final 2 exams
  16. D

    ANY ideas for Major project for IPT!!??

    My project is to create a promotion for an upcoming movie, and I've chosen "Angels and Demons". Our teacher gave us a list of about 35 ideas, and I chose the one with the film promotion. There was other ideas about a school disco, car advertising website, school presentation, some sort of...
  17. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    *high five* loll i dunno, our MX1 exam was just pretty challenging, and since i hate The Parabola and Binomial Theorem topics, I stuffed up those questions. + in the middle of the exam i cut myself SOMEHOW (?) with my pacer, and the heavy rain started to splash into the hall. but meh....
  18. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    I think the question went along the lines of ".... response of the Australian Government to problems brought about by globalisation..." I went on to write about how free trade agreements cause short term structural unemployment and the retraining/skills programs introduced by govt to help...
  19. D

    How well did u go for your second HSC assessments?

    Checked today. :cool: 29/30 - 1st or 2nd / 8 weighted: 14.5/15 woott
  20. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    Had Economics + Maths Ext 1 today. Economics - not a bad exam, think I went quite well. Essays were on Australian govt response to globalisation + about other economy studied (ie China). Maths Ext 1 - Disaster... hard exam and dont think i got above 75%.. hoping to pass lol. But...