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  1. kami

    The CIE Hotline

    So you're both in Nicola's class - maybe you're in the same group too.:) Basically every first year thinks 'omg this is shit I want to die why did I enroll in a communications degree shoot me now with an atomic carrot loaded bazooka' once they encounter their first year theory subjects...
  2. kami

    The CIE Hotline

    Hey everyone, this is the CIE Hotline, essentially this thread is for you to discuss, bitch, procrastinate about CIE. So here's a few questions to get the ball rolling - who was your lecturer/tutor? What was your first impression of the subject? And do you have any questions regarding...
  3. kami

    Lecture notes and transripts

    Yes, at some point during uni you will have to take your own notes and its probably a good idea to just write out the basic concepts from the lecture even if there are notes up online later as you will be chatting about them in the tutorials. Just don't worry about word for word note taking. On...
  4. kami

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome the New Students' Thread Not everyone - there are a couple of eccentrics (e.g moi) and alot of very nice, enthusiastic people who are just somewhat boring. Just gravitate to the kind of people who you want to be around, it gets easier eventually.
  5. kami

    Lecture notes and transripts

    Just make sure you don't automatically assume this with all of your subjects as there are a heap that don't do that. CIE and PCA will put their junk online though.
  6. kami

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Marriage does and did not exist in natural history, however homosexual mating behaviour does occur - including monogamous same-sex bonds between various species of animal. Regarding ancient and medieval history, there are plenty of records in non-western cultures of same-sex marriages. A...
  7. kami

    To the shapers of the future - what's important to you??

    Education: One of my primary concerns - it feels as if the current system is slowly but surely degrading however rather than fix what we have there is this large push for it to be nationalised, which is something of which I do not approve. So I think whatever government comes out of the upcoming...
  8. kami

    HELP!!! Postmodern crime??

    The first important thing is to realise (loosely) what postmodernism is; a criticism of the modern and a fracturing of traditional boundaries. This means that a postmodern crime fiction would be far from traditional, however it is more than simply saying one's detective must be less than a...
  9. kami

    uts online

    Not all subjects have a UTS component, for example I don't have any UTS Online components this year. In first semester humanities you should only see CIE, PCA and your disciplinary subject - this pattern follows on into second semester with MIS, CM and the disciplinary.
  10. kami

    BoS O-Week Meatup '07 TOMMOROW - 12PM - FISHER - BE THERE!!!!

    Re: BoS O-Week Meatup '07 I might drop in and say hi since my classes finish at 1 that day, though I won't stay long since I have an appointment later on.
  11. kami

    Good hardboiled detective films

    While there are other Hardboiled films in that time period that you could use, they would in essence be identicial (or close to it) in the way you analysed them in your essay (same cultural values, same conventions etc.). If you want to stick with the early Hardboiled films then I'd suggest The...
  12. kami

    Need help with the eligibility of UAI

    Yes you will get a UAI. a category B course is one that can contribute to the UAI but only under certain conditions (8 units of category A) and you meet these conditions.
  13. kami

    So what did everyone think of the O Day?

    My friend Amy tells me she walked up to Joe and said 'hi i'm from the internets' and that he seemed disturbed at this. Otherwise, I was in and out of Oday from about 1 - 4 so if anyone saw a tall dude just randomly assume it was me. Oh, and I joined two clubs and I didn't get to filch any...
  14. kami

    UTS Semester 1 2007 Timetables and Subjects!

    Re: post your timetable They will put you into a different timeslot if there was one available (even if it is full), you just have to request it with proof of why you need the change. Just go see your employer, get your details and then go to your faculty admin and see if they can work...
  15. kami

    UTS Semester 1 2007 Timetables and Subjects!

    Re: post your timetable Take your work timetable in, signed by your manager/boss/whatever and show it to your faculty admin and ask for them to put you into a different timeslot. I did the same with my timetable last year.
  16. kami

    UTS Semester 1 2007 Timetables and Subjects!

    Re: post your timetable Important: UTS Semester 1 2007 Timetables and Subjects! There's already a sticky for this. :)
  17. kami

    where/when we get our textbooks

    look here: for a list of books matched to subjects from the co-op bookshop. Otherwise, just wait till you get your course outlines from your tutor as they should tell...
  18. kami

    Kids, is it really worth the trouble?

    I adore my nephews to bits and I love being the uncle because I get to spoil them rather than raise them. However thats not to say I wouldn't love having a child of my own one day ... but it just would have so many complications attached (adoption laws for gay couples - eek, surrogate mothers -...
  19. kami

    shit timetable

    Yup - mine are white and gray. No orange. Lectures are different for the later years in humanities though since they're not allocated the same way, which might be why I can't see what you're seeing.
  20. kami

    shit timetable

    If you mean the list under available tutorials, well it is just to indicate what is taken since only the ones listed as 'full' are coloured red/orange. If it is something else, then try posting a screenshot (with your personal details edited out) so we can get an idea of what you're talking...