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  1. spence

    whats the best way to get to uni?

    lol at people thinking he's serious
  2. spence

    Doing a full degree overseas

    Just curious but why is CSU out of the question for you, but going overseas isn't?
  3. spence

    Int. Business

    Yep any 2 subjects from E&B are fine, so you can do marketing
  4. spence


    They let me know via uni email, but that was for internal credit.
  5. spence

    Making my degree work! :)

    Unfortunately for the BIGS there is a limit of 48 junior credit points, so you won't be able to do any more than 8 first year subjects
  6. spence

    Uni Questions

    Re: 回复: Re: will i fail uni? No it doesn't have anything to do with the difficulty of the course
  7. spence

    Best uni for studying Law?

  8. spence

    Filing tax return for 07-08

    No I'm pretty sure you can still do it. When I did it when I was 15, it just said: age is under 18, check that its okay. Then just clicked ok, and it was fine
  9. spence

    freshman textbook question

    Yeah but uni and the hsc are completely different. Because in the HSC everyone learns the same syllabus, they pretty much have to have a textbook, whereas in uni, the course is designed by the lecturer, so all the notes needed are generally given in lectures
  10. spence

    Whats your major?

    You usually don't have to decide till second year, but you will need to do junior units for your major in first year. Usually in first year you do up to 4 areas, and then specialise
  11. spence

    Filing tax return for 07-08

    Why would you want to?
  12. spence

    Uni Questions

    Wow the people in this thread are dumb
  13. spence

    Which one would you choose?

    What do you base that on?
  14. spence

    Whats your major?

    Yeah usually, although it may be possible to do two majors in one
  15. spence

    Which one would you choose?

    I know of at least one person on this forum who transferred from UWS to Mac, and said UWS law was a lot better, and others have said that Mac is about as good as UNSW/USyd
  16. spence


    That was an invaluable contribution as always
  17. spence

    Is part-time job more managenable in uni than in HSC?

    Its a lot harder imo, but still manageable. But I found it easy to manage year 12 and work
  18. spence

    Which one would you choose?

    And you think internally transferring to law is?
  19. spence

    Opinions please :)

    It depends on what interests you, as to get into law you need good results, and you're only likely to get good results in what interests you most. Liberal Studies is no better than any other for grad law, as it is based on UAI and tertiary results, regardless of what degree you did. If you are...
  20. spence

    Which one would you choose?

    Are you serious? Pretty sure UNSW law is pretty competitive for transfers, and what do you base UWS being shit on?