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  1. spence

    double degree

    Their not necessarily harder, but generally they have a higher cutoff than singles, though in many cases single degrees have higher cutoffs. And does it really matter if it's popular or not?
  2. spence

    Which is the easier transfer??

    Pretty sure a JD is the same as an LLB, might be more expensive though
  3. spence

    impossible to transfer?

    Yeah but if you're white you'll be feeling like that in commerce anyway
  4. spence

    Majors/Units of Study

    I'm pretty sure you get 16 subjects for your combined degree, so that gives 4 core + 8 for a major and another 4 electives
  5. spence

    impossible to transfer?

    UAI is not counted for all courses (eg. UNSW commerce), so with decent uni results a transfer is certainly possible
  6. spence

    Psychology 2009 :)

    Bear in mind that at USyd you don't need to do BPsych or BA(Psych) to major and get into psych honours. Other courses you can do are: Bachelor of Science (BSc) Bachelor of Arts (BA) Bachelor of Arts and Sciences (BASc) Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLibStud) Bachelor of Commerce (Liberal...
  7. spence

    Media degrees: Mac VS. UNSW

    No the bottom UAI is the cutoff
  8. spence

    What are you currently Reading?

    My reading list for the rest of the holidays: Bill Bryson - A Short History of Nearly Everything Homer - The Iliad and Odyssey Malcolm Gladwell - Outliers: The Story of Success Nassim Nicholas Taleb - The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
  9. spence

    How Hard Is University?

    Lectures are useful, but not compulsory. Lots of people don't go, but I find them helpful for most subjects (although the business subjects I did had detailed lecture slides provided which made the lectures less useful)
  10. spence

    Main round offers

    Bear in mind though that the cutoffs for late round probably change quite dramatically, as there may only be a few places available.
  11. spence

    Law Combos? Which is best?

    Criminology would obviously complement criminal law well, and can be done at UWS or UNSW Edit: sorry didn't realise this was in the mac forum
  12. spence

    Bachelor of Science UNSW?

    Do the course if you want to, don't worry about the cutoff
  13. spence

    Do you get Superannuation?

    I get it and I'm casual
  14. spence

    Main round offers

    There's always a possibility of getting an offer in the late round, but its not something you should count on, as there are usually a limited number of places available at best. But if you are unsure, then it is definately worth changing your prefs after you get your offer. This way, if you do...
  15. spence

    Blood donation

    I'm not really sure what happens, no-one in the group I was with fainted but a bunch of people in other groups did, it was no big deal
  16. spence

    B economics, music elective?

    I don't think so. According to the handbook, the only junior music unit with prerequisites is MUSC1501 which requires "at least 67% in the NSW HSC Music 2 or 3-unit Music Extension or the equivalent skills as determined by the Chair of UnitConcepts of Music"
  17. spence

    Main round offers

    Yes you can do this and this won't jeopardise your first offer. Basically you should accept your offer regardless of whether there's another course you'd prefer
  18. spence

    B economics, music elective?

    Yeah you can do a max of 48 CP outside of the E&B faculty which can include music
  19. spence

    Blood donation

    I wouldn't worry about fainting, I'm really skinny and I didn't. The ones from my school that did faint were the ones who didn't drink enough water, so make sure you do that.
  20. spence

    Main round offers

    If you accept your first preference then any lower preferences won't be considered unless you move other preferences above the one you got an offer for